The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast

The Beginners Guide To SEO For Local Businesses

Javier Lozano, Jr. - Anchor Wave Episode 7

You've probably heard the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

And... you probably have an idea about what SEO entails.

However, setting up an SEO marketing strategy for your local business can sometimes be daunting, overwhelming, and confusing.

Where do you start when creating an SEO plan?

How do you start to implement an SEO strategy for your business?

Why is SEO even important? Especially when your business leans on WOM (word of mouth).

In this episode, we take the time to explain a bit more about what SEO is and how it can help your business show up in the search engines, such as Google.

We'll also share some fundamental strategies that you can start implementing immediately with your business.

Plus -- if your local business is in the home services space, having a well designed SEO marketing strategy can compliment your other advertising and reputation management initiatives. 


Marketing in the home services industry has changed so much over the past few decades. Now even more rapid pace these last few years almost to a point it's impossible to keep up with what's trending. Ever felt like marketing in today's economy is like flushing money down the toilet. That's where we come in and help honest Home Services companies just like yours, learn and understand some of the most effective marketing strategies today, strategies used by some of the top home service companies around the world. My name is Javier Lozano Jr. and welcome to the trust tipping point Marketing Podcast.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Hey, guys, welcome to another episode of the trust tippingpoint marketing podcast, I am your host Javier Lozano Jr. With anchor wave internet solutions. And we've got another great episode for you today. And so what I wanted to talk about is something that is always kind of thrown out there, everyone uses this terminology a lot. And, and what's what kind of, I'm not gonna say bothers me. But what kind of, you know, makes me want to say like, hey, it's like, you know, the verbiage, but you don't know how exactly, it all works. And so I want to kind of help with that. And so ultimately, what my goal is, is to kind of help you guys get more traffic for your home services business, to your website by leveraging this thing called SEO. And so SEO is a pretty, pretty big word in the marketing world, everyone talks about it, everyone thinks that they know about it, I'm not saying I'm gonna be like, you know, the top number one SEO expert, but I know a lot about SEO, it is something that I kind of, you know, I would almost say I, I, I kind of focused a lot of my attention in early in my marketing days, when I ran my own business. So SEO, what does it mean? So search engine optimization, that is the meaning of SEO. And so what that basically means is, is that when you go into your search engines, such as Google, which I would say most of you're using, you're not probably using Yahoo, or Bing or anything like that. But if you're using a search engine, such as Google, you go in there, and you're looking for something, you type something in, and then all sudden, it pops up, you know, towards the top. So typically how it's all going to be laid out, you're gonna have like your ads, you're gonna have what we call our local three pack. And then you have your organic organic search. So how things are structured and laid out in there, there are certain things that are called algorithms that Google puts together, and essentially says, you know, Google says that, hey, because this content is relevant, or because this person paid money to be on the first page, or because this person has a very strong Google My Business, whatever it is, we're going to stack them based off of what we think our customers, which is people using the search engine are going to find relevant. Okay. And so where I'm coming from with all of this is, is that search engine optimization, SEO is really critical, especially in the Home Services, consumer services business. So you got an HVC company, you have a plumbing company, you're an electrician, you're a landscaper, whatever it is, you know, in you're serving residents that you know, homeowners, condo owners, that sort of stuff you're serving residents showing up in the search engines is huge, because even myself as a, you know, homeowner, I go into the search engines and I type in stuff to find what I'm looking for. And I typically if I'm looking for a landscaper, if I'm looking for, you know, a plumber, whatever that is, whatever I'm looking for, or I'm getting to is that I'm going to be using Google's to help me find this stuff. And there's there's things on how to improve your search engine, there are things and strategies on how to make sure what we call as the search engine results page, or SERPs that improve to where you show up towards the top of the search engine. Okay, so let's cut to the chase, let's kind of start diving in. First I'm gonna say is that we're not going to be talking about paid advertising. So what you understand is that when you type something in, in Google, and then all of a sudden, like, a top, there's gonna be a little, you know, part it says, add, and then there's usually like three, maybe four, but it's like usually three, and people pay for those spots. And the person that pays the most, it's the top Anyways, we're not going to talk about that, because that is that that that's not SEO, that's just strictly paid ads. We'll save that for another day. We're focusing on what we're going to call local SEO. So local SEO is is think of your your business and then the city. So example is I I live in Castle Rock, Colorado, okay, south of Denver, north of Colorado Springs. And the I don't know how big Castle Rock is, but you're going to typically want to focus on us. square mile radius. Okay, so when I owned a personal training studio and a martial arts studio, we focused on a five mile radius, that was that we didn't go any further than five miles, you as a home service company, you might focus on a bigger radius, it just just just depends. But you are going to be focusing on a radius, let's just say five miles, right. So you're gonna be focusing on your city. And so you want to use your city, and then whatever service you use, to help kind of, like build up that, that, that SEO juice, so on your website, so like, if you serve people in, I don't know, let's let's like where I used to live in Westminster, Colorado. So if you serve people in Westminster, you're going to be focusing some of your content on your websites, on your blogs on your other like, you know, other assets out there, you're using your city and then the service that you offer. So it's going to be like, you know, Westminster, hv AC, or Westminster landscaping, or you shouldn't try and get to. So you know, local SEO, what that is, is that it's going to help you show up correctly in the search engines locally, okay. And so what a lot of people don't understand is that I can be in this is no joke, I can be where I'm at right now, in my house, I can type in a certain service in my city, I can go to the coffee shop, that's probably a mile and a half from my house, maybe a mile, and type in the same thing, and I'll get a different search result. And it's all based off of my location, like where I'm physically at. And, you know, so what most home businesses I'm sure home service businesses don't understand is that based on where you are located, you can be getting different results. Okay, and so you don't know that. And so there's certain strategies to help your results show up correctly, so that it's consistent. And there's this, this is really, really cool tool that our team at anchor wave uses to help our clients dominate the local SEO. Okay. And this is a proprietary tool, and it's called the geo grid. So I'm not trying to pitch it, but I'm trying to explain it. It's a square. And I don't remember how many miles it is. It does. But anyways, it's a square. And it's color coded, and it has dots. So let's say we do a five square mile radius, just an example. So then that you will have certain dots, you right, and so let's say you don't search, you don't look, you don't show up on the local search. So someone is in your city, like maybe you know, I don't know, half a mile from your your business and they type in your like they type in like hv services in castle, rock, coastal, wherever you are half a mile from where your offices, you don't show up. But we have a strategy and we use is this proprietary tool called geo grid to help kind of get yourself to show up. And so it might show up like this, where you don't show up and you and these dots are all going to be like red, meaning like you're like on like the fifth page or, or like the 10th page or whatever it is. And then you know, it'll start turning orange mean that you're moving up the rankings, like the search pages for a certain location for keywords that you're going after, as you go up, and then they'll start shifting into yellow and then eventually start going into green. And when you're in green, usually you're in like the top one, two, maybe three on the search results, not pages, like literally in the search results. And so this tool helps our customers start dominating the search engines locally, in their area. So local SEO is a pretty important thing. And so what you want to understand that there are certain things that you can do on your website, there's certain things that you can do on your Google My Business listing, that help you kind of leverage, your, your location, your service, all that stuff. So I'm going to kind of dive into all of this, but you know, that to help understand, like, you've got to get this one thing, this one concept, right? You want to really make Google understand what you do, where you're located. And so you want to use these keywords and key phrases throughout your website. Okay, so, first thing is, you know, for like, say on site, SEO stuff, there are certain techniques that you want to do so on site, meaning like, strategies that you do on your website, okay. And, and so a lot of this stuff is going to help with your local SEO, okay, it's not gonna be like 100% like you know, all sudden you go to the first page, but it'll start helping your, your, your rankings on your website grow more. Okay, so the first thing you want to do is you want to make sure you have the right page titles, and you're using proper h1 tags and h2 tags and h3 tags and etc. So page titles, meaning this, let's say that you are in HVC. Company, okay? And I want to get more information on refrigeration, okay? Or no, take that back, you're an ABC Company, and I want to get more insight on getting my AC unit replaced, okay. And so because it's different from like heating, so you might have a page that talks about your AC unit being replaced, or fixed, or whatever that is. So then you want to have like, certain title on there. So it might be like, replacing your AC unit in Castle Rock. That's the title of that page. And then guess what is going to be the topic inside that page about replacing your AC unit in Castle Rock. And it'd be like something like, hey, castle, rock residents, you know, if you're, if you're, you know, superduper hot and and you're sick and tired of being of not having AC working correctly in your house, you know, maybe it's time to replace your AC unit in your home. You know, we've been doing this. And so that's what you'd be talking about. And you'd be explaining how the whole process works. But that page title tells Google saying, hey, this title of this page, it talks about replacing ACU and it's in Castle Rock. And so Google's is Oh, okay, cool. So if I'm in Castle Rock, okay, and I type in replacing my AC unit in Castle Rock, all of a sudden, Google's gonna start realizing like, oh, that search phrase matches his page title, we should probably start moving that up the search engine results, okay, like what the rankings are. So that shows up about higher makes sense so far. So you need to put a proper title in your page. Okay. And you can do this very easily on your website. If you have a WordPress website. Okay, I typically only work on WordPress, but give a WordPress website and you install this SEO tool called Yoast y o a s t. Alright, literally, this SEO tool is a plugin. Okay, so you go to the plug in feature, you search for it, you type in Yoast. And you just download it, it is free, you don't pay anything, there is a premium service to it, I've heard mixed results between the premium and the free version, I just use the free version because it is what it is. Alright. And then that is going to help you kind of like walk you through all this stuff. Okay, so you put a page title that is appropriate, and it has to be a certain length, so you can't make it superduper long. You can't say like, you know, um, you know, AC replacement units for Oh, series turning on by accident. All right, AC unit replacement in castle, rock, and Englewood, and in Greenwood Village, and in Colorado Springs, like you can't, you know, basically try to keyword stuff a whole bunch of stuff and make this title superduper long, you have a certain parameter. And that title is what's going to show up on the search engine. So you know how, whenever you Google something in that blue title, that is your page title, okay? And that's what you're what you're going to be using, okay? So that's kind of what you want to make sure you understand that you have a proper page title. Alright. And then the other part is you want to have the proper URL. So what I mean by that is that your page, like you say, it's like your company's a hv AC, in Castle Rock calm, alright, let's just say that, then if you're talking about replacements, it'd be like HVC and Kasparov comm slash replacement, AC unit or something, okay. And that would be kind of like the URL you'd want to miss, you're talking about those sort of things, where I'm getting to Sorry, I'm getting too deep into this stuff, right? Because it's hard to teach this without visuals. So I'm hoping some of you guys understand this, you got it, you've got your title set up correctly. Alright. And that's it, that's good to go. And then so when you are using your, your, your site, that title that you you give to that page, okay, it's gonna have what's called an h1 tag. And so that's gonna be a hierarchy level of how your site is going to be structured. So you've got these tags that are called h1 tags, h2 tags, h3 tags, and they're gonna be like, h1 tags me the title of like that page. And then like an h2 could be like a subtitle of the page, okay. And then maybe an h3 could be a subtitle of the h2. So it could be like, you know, the subtitle of the page should be like, you know, here are three strategies on how to fix your AC unit on your own, okay. And so, you know, h two would be like, you know, strategy number one, h two for strategy number two, H three for strategy number three, and those are your, your h1 tags, h2 tags, that sort of stuff. If you're using them correctly, and you put one h1 tag that has keyword specific stuff in your, for your business, this helps with your local SEO, meaning. If your h1 tag says something like AC unit replacements, or how to how to how to hire a proper hv AC company to replace your AC unit in Castle Rock, just an example. That would be a you know a proper title, because then I can read the title and be like, Oh, cool. That is what it's about. And then I'm going to be intrigued, I'm going to keep reading more about it this, I hope this makes sense. Okay. And so again, this is one of those things that you need to have visual things. And if I had my screen, I can kind of like walk you through it, that'd be really great. But if you guys are somewhat relatives, understanding of like this whole, you know, marketing stuff, you'll kind of get what I'm trying to get to. So if you don't, then that's where you can talk to a marketing agency and have them help you set this up correctly, because local SEO is going to help your business dominate in your space where you're getting a lot of lot of phone calls, a lot of phone calls, we've got a client out in Tucson, it's called BMJ refrigeration, you can look them up, they've been with us for a long time, they love us, they are on the top of the search engines for different phrases, and they're dominating locally in their area. And they're using us for reason, you know, so again, this is this is not I'm not trying to pitch our services to you guys, I'm just simply saying that, like we do this a lot for our customers. So other things that you want to do to help with your local SEO, is you want to have internal links that interlink with your website. So this is what I mean, you should be publishing blogs on a regular basis on your website, about different things about HVDC, about refrigeration about AC units and furnaces, and you know how to you know, clean your, you know, your your clean, clean your unit and all this other stuff, like those sort of things, you should be educating your consumer because Google loves this kind of content. And then so what you're going to do is you're going to start interlinking these blogs in the pages. So, you know, I was talking about earlier about having a page for like, you know, replacement AC unit and Castle Rock, maybe you have like, you know, do you like a blog title that says do you do need to replace your AC unit. And so you explain, you know, you know, things to look for if if your unit needs to be replaced, and then maybe one of those links inside that blog points to that major page that basically sells people to say, Hey, this is what you need to do contact us, we can replace your unit by interlinking. You know, and what I mean by interlinking is like you have a link going from like a blog to a page. And maybe you have a link going from a page to a blog. And so what that does that Google says like, Oh, this, this page is about this page, and they support each other. And by by them being supported. What that does is that it lets Google and and other people dive deeper into your content into that rabbit hole. And then they spend more time in your website in Google loves that they love it that you spend time on websites, reading more, and you get deeper and deeper and deeper. Like I've done this a lot. When I'm researching stuff, I will start clicking on links. And next thing, you know, I'm like, What the heck was I researching on, and I have to back out to figure out what I typed first. And then like, Oh, that's right, this is what it was. But this because I'm diving deeper into certain topics that really bring a lot of interest to me. And so, you know, what I want you guys to understand is, is that when you set up interest, you know, links internally to link across your entire page, this is allows your, your future customers to start jumping around within your website, this is going to help with your local SEO for your for your business. And so, you know, this is this is not a very tough strategy. It's a tedious strategy, because you got to make you can't just hyperlink anything, the link has to be something that corresponds to something else. So you know, if you have a blog, and you're talking about replacing hv AC units, or AC units and Castle Rock, then and there's a link and there's like, you know, this is how you understand whether you should replace your AC unit or not, you would probably hyperlink you know, replace your AC unit. And then it would go to the main page that sort of makes sense. So that's kind of what you're trying to do there. And again, what this does is that it lets Google understand like, Oh, this page supports this page, and they're gonna be feeding the right content to their customers, which is us the searcher,


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Javier Lozano, Jr.:

So that is what's really important to Google's they want to give the right information to people, but people bounce if they leave your site a lot is because they don't find your content relevant. And so then Google is going to penalize you and it's going to start dropping your page down. Okay, hope this is making sense here. Anyways, next thing is that you want to have keyword rich meta description. And so keyword rich, everyone hears this terminology or does keyword rich mean? And it's all it really means is that you've got to have some keywords that you're going after. So like, are you going after hbic? Great. That's a very tough word to go after. But maybe it's hv AC and Castle Rock. that's a that's a very specific, more, you know, more niche base. Alright. Are you going after AC replacement in Castle Rock? So those are those are keywords? Are you going after Furnace Repair in Castle Rock? Or are you going like if you do plumbing are you going after Plumbing Repair in Castle Rock, this makes sense now or plumbing services in Castle Rock. So these are keyword rich. And so there's a meta description, the meta description is the description below your Google results search that you have. So you type in Google. And you you know and that blue part is going to be your your page title. And then the description at the bottom that's called your meta description, you need to use specific keywords that you're going after in there, but you can't stuffed them in you got to be descriptive of what that page is about. And so it could be like, hey, Castle Rock residents, if you're looking to replace your AC units, you know, contact our company, because we've been doing this for you know, the past 20 years, something like that. Don't say that, though. But like something along those lines. And so what that does is that that meta description helps people read it really briefly, and understand what that page is about. So they have a title, like, Okay, I know what this page is about. Let me read this description really quick to make sure this is what I want. Because I do that I'll read the title. I'm like, yep, this is probably what I want. We read the description really quick. Yes, this is what I'm looking for. And then I'll click on the link, and it takes me to the page, that metadata description has to have keyword rich stuff, because what that does is that it's going to help Google say, okay, it's in the type page title. And then there's other stuff in here in description that also support the page title as far as the keywords, so then this is going to be something supportive, and we're going to push this higher in the search engine results. Okay. So what that does is, is that, again, Google is feeding proper content to their customers, their goal is to give their customers the best content on you know, out there, which is why Google is considered the number one search engine in the world, okay, they get a lot of users on a daily basis. Okay. So once you've done you know, your page title correctly with the right kind of keyword phrases in there, and what the page title is about. And once you put h1 tags, h2 tags, and you've used it correctly, once you've interlinked blogs and pages with each other, and you're using that correctly, once you've used keyword rich meta descriptions, and you're doing that correctly, then we go on to images. And so there's this thing called an alt tag or what we call an alternative tag in the marketing world, which called an alt tag a lt and so the alt tag is a description of the image for people that may not be able to see the image or if that image does not load correctly. So have you ever been to a website where the image doesn't load correctly and then and then the the says, you know, image, or says four or 597 image dot jpg, that description they're pulling it from, you know, from the from the filename, which you can actually change that to where it pulls from the alt tag. And so maybe the image that you have is like an H fac technician fixing an AC unit. So the alt tag should be like h HVAC technician replacing AC repairing AC unit. So when you have an alt tag that has your keyword phrases and If you can even put your city in there as well, too, all of a sudden, that gives you a little bit more help for local SEO. And so that alt tag is going to assist in getting you more, more looks in a little bit. So when people are typing in for services, they can type in images, and they can see all the images. And so what that's going to help, you know, Google make, you know, your images show up a little bit higher. And that's going to help also where if your image doesn't load correctly, you're going to get the right type of description of that image of what it is. And so never keyword stuff this stuff, but like, if it's a person fixed, and they check unit, use, what what they're doing, and you can probably throw in like, your city location, like, you know, h HVAC technician fixing AC unit and Castle Rock, that's fine. That's gonna work, okay, because all of a sudden, what it is, is that it's making Google understand that this image is about a fact technician fixing the units in Castle Rock, it's on this page as about replacing or repairing or fixing an AC unit. And we have blogs that are pointing to, you know, this page that's about replacing or fixing an AC unit, you see what's going on, you have all the supporting stuff, because at the end of the day, Google is just a robot that is trying to read what is going on in your website. And so if you don't actually tell how to read correctly, the second understand what to do. So you're going to want to use proper alt tags to your images throughout your websites. Okay, not just on certain pages, all of your images, okay, if you don't have all tags, that is it's a big No, no. All right. And so I mentioned this earlier, but you want to use an SEO management tool. And so, you know, like, there's, there's a couple of things that you can use to help with this. And so the SEO management tool that I recommend is Yoast. Alright, so if you use a WordPress website, you can just go to the plugins section, you're going to type in Yoast, and then it's going to load in a download it is going to be installed into your WordPress and then you can start using Yoast. Yoast has a lot of like, tutorials, has a lot of documentation and then walks you through what you need to fill out the beauty about Yoast as well too. And I get nothing for me telling you about Yoast, like I don't get like affiliate money or anything like that. Like, just do it yourself. Alright, but the beauty about Yoast is is that it, it color codes, certain things. So like, if your SEO is not done correctly, on a certain page, it's going to be read. And this if some things are done, but some things are missing, it'll be orange. But if you've got all the SEO, like perfect, and it's good to know, be green, and there'll be like this little like, you know, green button. And then the same thing with your content. As far as like, you know, it'll say like, you know, this content is readable or it's not readable or whatever it is and what I mean by readable meaning like, you don't have like superduper long paragraphs that are just like, you know, all like this. Like you're you're breaking things up into sections and stuff like that. So what I'm getting to is that this SEO tool, Yoast is going to allow you to really optimize your website to get the most out of your local SEO program. So what's going to happen here is that when you take care of your paper towels and h1 tags, and you're putting in keyword rich stuff in there, as far as as well as your location, and you're working on internal links, and you're working on keyword rich, meta description, you're working on alt tags that have keyword rich, you know, words in there as well, too. And then you're you're using SEO tools like like Yoast, all of a sudden, you're gonna start having your local search show up correctly on Google meaning this someone goes into Google, they type in ABC Company in Castle Rock, and you're doing these things. It's not going to happen tomorrow. I some people are like, well, I don't understand. I just updated it. You know, there's people that have updated their stuff way before yours. Why should they give up their ranking? Because you just fixed yours right now. They've got more credibility and authority, and they've done it a lot sooner than you. So if you haven't done this before, like it's it's essentially they're not going to, you know, Google's not going to say, Oh, yeah, you fixed your so then we need to be fair and give you traffic know, they've built the authority by following the proper rules, all this stuff. And so what's going to happen is, is that eventually, your site will slowly start climbing. As long as you're producing good relevant information on your website, good, relevant content, about, you know, the services that you offer in your location in your city, and you're using your city and your services and your pairs and stuff continuously. Throughout your website, Google will start understanding that that your business is based in Castle Rock or in Westminster or whatever that is okay. And so that's kind of how you you want to handle your your local SEO Now there is more strategy behind this. All right. And I know I gave a ton of information right now about this whole local SEO stuff like our team at anchor wave, like this is like high level, we will start going even deeper to help make sure that like that your site is going to show up correctly on the geo grid where you're dominating on local search results, all that stuff will start putting in what we call it as a PPC program for paid ads, we'll start working on getting your site showing up in a local on the local three pack. And we'll start working on getting your site to show up organically. So where I'm coming from is that all of a sudden, you dominate an entire page, you've got ads, you're on the local three pack, and you're you've got you know, one or two links in the organic search. And then you start dominating. And that's how, like companies like that we worked with, like such as B and j refrigeration, are so successful with with doing well in their in their area, is because they're following the strategy that we lay out. And so, but this is this takes time, this is this is an investment, this is like going into the stock market, okay, and you're invested into mutual funds, it's gonna take time for this stuff to start working. But if you start doing these little things on your website, and you start making these modifications, then what's going to happen is that it's going to help you guys get the type of of local search that you you know, that you want. And so we kind of call this is like is like, you know, part of our trust tipping point, this is like one of the third thing that we teach in the trust tipping point is, is performing well on the search engines on Google search. And so you know, the trust tipping point, we have this whole theory kind of mapped out that there's things that your buyer is gonna be going through in different journeys, okay, they're going to be doing research on this, like, you know, prior one of our excuse me, one of our previous episodes, I don't remember which one, but we talked about your buyer is reading your reviews. That's like the second tip that we have for our trusted employees. And, and the other part, you know, another one is our first tip for the trust turning point is, is that they're visiting your website, and they're reading and seeing if it's modern, it's got certain things that, that make them excuse me, that make them actually trust you. So like I said, the third thing is, is making sure your site is showing up correctly on Google because I know this for a fact that I've typed in businesses that I know of, and I'll type in like, you know, certain key phrases that I'm looking for, if they don't show up in the search engines, it makes me kind of wonder like what's going on, but their website is there, it means that they haven't done the right proper marketing, or they've been penalised. They've done something wrong. That's not you know, that's not good for the consumers of Google. So you know, what I want you guys to understand is is that your your buyer is on a different journey than what you expect. And so this whole trust of important journey, your buyer is looking at your website. They're reading reviews, they're seeing if you show up on a search engines, and then our next episodes, we'll be talking about some other things such as social media, and some other things as well, too. But they're looking at all these things being like attorneys and doing research and interrogating your business before they contact you. So if you want more business, for your website, do these little things that we talked about for your local SEO to improve the results of your page, because a it's going to help your your website start ranking up a little bit higher, but B is going to put you guys in authority and as a trusted authority in your space in your community. You start doing this kind of stuff, you will eventually start dominating your space. So I hope this is really helpful. If you guys have any questions, let us know. Other than that, again, my name is Javier with anchor wave.


Thanks for joining me on this episode of the trust tipping point marketing podcast. I'm your host Javier Lozano Jr. A lot of home service companies come to us at anchor weight meaning help with their overall marketing strategy in their digital presence. So what we ended up doing was creating a custom marketing playbook to help businesses just like yours in the Home Services space have a improved digital marketing roadmap for 2021. One of the highlights during this Home Services customer playbook is the importance of having a marketing hub, which we call a website killer. And I'll be honest here, today's websites are dead, outdated, ineffective. After 17 years in 1300 plus websites, he's discovered the best approach to customer activity. And to win more business is by having a marketing marketing hub will help to sell your home services business apart from your competition placed in your space. To learn more about what a marketing hub is, schedule a free Custom Home Services playbooks by going to anchor slash playbook. We're gonna answer seven simple questions and we'll give you free access to this playbook. Again, go to slash playbook to get free access to our home service and digital marketing playbook.