The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast

Why Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Is Failing Your Business

Javier Lozano, Jr. - Anchor Wave Episode 9

Almost every business is on social media.  If you're not, that should be step one. Get on social media.

However, the approach to social media marketing and branding has evolved over the past few years. Especially with the emergence of personal branding.

In this episode you'll learn how to best approach your social media marketing strategy. 

Which social platforms makes sense for your business to be active on. 

And, how to properly position and leverage company brand and personal brand.

So, if you're ready to give your home services social media marketing a boost, this is the episode to tune into.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Marketing in the home services industry has changed so much over the past few decades. Now even more rapid pace these last few years almost to a point it's impossible to keep up with what's trending. Ever felt like marketing in today's economy is like flushing money down the toilet. That's where we come in and help honest Home Services companies just like yours, learn and understand some of the most effective marketing strategies today, strategies used by some of the top home service companies around the world. My name is Javier Lozano Jr. and welcome to the trust tipping point Marketing Podcast. Hey, guys, welcome to another episode of the trust tipping point Marketing Podcast. As you probably heard at the intro, I am your host, Javier Lozano Jr. With anchor wave. So what I want to go next into is our fourth trust tipping point that we're going to be talking about. So over this kind of little mini series of the kind of explaining more about what the trust of endpoint is. And then the other part of it too, is that different, you know, different things that we consider as part of the trust tipping point. And so we've covered some pretty, pretty big topics over the past three. So right now we're on number four. I'm sorry, we're on number five and SMC? No, we're on number four. All right, sorry about that. So, you know, what we've covered in the past is, you know, we covered the first thing is, is your website, making sure that your website is professional, it's, it's modern, it's got, you know, great copy, and all this other stuff. It's got, you know, good photography. And if you haven't listened to the episode, go back, like, I don't know what episode it is, but go back a few episodes and listen to that episodes, you know, how your website should be, should be set up, right? There's, there's a way that this works. And we've launched over 1300 plus websites over the course of 18 years. And we basically compiled all that data, talking to all of our clients that are they're super happy with how we design their site, and got a lot of feedback. And then we started kind of said, you know, what the most successful sites look like this. Okay. And then our next trust tipping point tip for the second one is reviews and how to get reviews and, and why reviews are important. But some people just look at reviews as just like someone, you know, giving you a five star review, or a four star or whatever it is, but they don't realize that even people typing in, like, you know, their feedback on the review, those things are important. And then actually replying back to these reviews, and where these reviews are going, like the review sites and stuff like that all this stuff plays a big role on you know, part of the trust tipping point. So you need to have some sort of reputation management system. Alright. When I say system, I'm talking about like, automated system where it just works, okay. You know, people leave you reviews on a regular basis, that is going to start turning into business, I promise you that because there's a lot of people that don't make purchases unless they read reviews from multiple people. Okay. The third trust of employee that we covered was performing a variety of Google searchers searches. So you know, this is more about like, SEO, okay, making sure your site is optimized correctly. Alright, not just like copy and images, but like using certain local SEO strategies using certain things within your website. And so there's ways and how to set up your site so that it is going to show up in the search engines because people are going to be doing searches to find your business that they can't find you on Google, guess what, you don't exist, you're not a business that people are going to be wanting to find because they can't find you. Alright, so now we're moving into the fourth trust tipping point. And this is where people are going to be researching about you on social media. And I find this hysterical because my wife, I like to use her as an example in certain things, because she knows what I do. She she respects it, you know, she doesn't find any joy in it whatsoever. I explained all the cool things that are doing all the stats, and she's like, Oh, that's cool. And that's about as far as it goes. Does it mean that you know, she's not happy for me? It doesn't. But you know, it's just, I start going into this Oh, technobabble, like, this is amazing, and how this is working. And then and for her, she's kind of like, not really her thing. But what's interesting is I will get feedback from her, or she'll show me something. And one time, we were looking for a specific service, and we're living in this town called Pablo West, and she couldn't find the biz. Like someone recommended it on Facebook, like he should contact so and so landscape or something like that. That's what it was landscaping company. And so she started looking for it, couldn't find a website, go to find them on social media, but yeah, someone recommended them and to her, she's like, huh, yeah, no, if you don't exist on is this this was her logic. She's like, if you don't have a website and you don't exist on social media, then you don't exist to me. I don't even care if someone recommends you and says I should use your services. And so that says a lot, okay. And I think in today's day and age, we all have to understand something that's really important is that Your social profile like and this is on everything that you are on actively, okay, not just having a social profile just to have one because everyone else does actively on your social profile for your for your business should be relatively active, it should be relatively having some, you know, good content being pushed out on a regular basis. And there's ways in how you can do this. And so I'm going to kind of go and go on a tangent, cuz I don't have this on my notes right now. But so you've got your business profile, and then you've got your personal profile. And we are in a day and age right now, where personal branding is very, very important, okay. And if you're not having good personal branding about your, you know, on yourself and your business, then what's going to happen is, is that it's not gonna, it's not gonna really fly, it's going to be very challenging for you know, your business to kind of, I'm not gonna say grow, but to get legs because the reason I say this is a personal profile is the face of your business. And you might say, well, what if what if, you know, so and so leaves, they leave your personal profile should not be your personal profile, you know, it's, it's, you should allow your employees and your staff to create their own brand. And, and so the reason I say this is that, that is what people are going to connect with, I can tell you this right now, if you are a home services business, okay? And you're just posting stuff on your business profile, no one connects with your business profile, no one, like, because I can tell you right now that most business profiles, they don't respond to comments, they don't respond to, you know, to people that say, you know, say, hey, this was a great post or whatever, they don't respond to that they just post and that's it, and then leave it alone. Okay, it's, it's not something that's engaging and interacting. And so you, we have to understand that your personal profile is different, versus your business profile, am I saying don't post anything on your business profile, I'm not saying that. I'm simply saying that, in today's day and age, if you have team members that a part of your, you know, part of your home services, business, or even any business in reality, then they should have the opportunity to create their own brand, within reason of, you know, your company culture. Okay. So a great example is, you know, I work for anchor wave, I'm the CMO for anchor wave, I handle all of the, the marketing efforts and direction. But the thing is, is that I spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. And I do a lot of personal branding on there. I don't talk about myself, I talk about marketing, I talk about improving, you know, websites, I talk about strategy, I talk about different things, storytelling, whatever it is, I talk about these various things, okay. And when people start looking into who I am, what I do, guess where they go, they go to my profile page, guess what they see where I work, they see that, oh, this guy works for anchor wave, oh, they offer website design services, oh, they do digital marketing, or just what I'm trying to say, people will start doing research. And so they will research social media. All right, so you need to allow your team. And if and if this is new concept to you, you're just gonna have to start kind of letting them do it. All right, let and don't follow what everyone else in the industry is doing. Because everyone else in the industry doesn't necessarily do it, right. Follow what other people are doing in different niches, and follow those people that are going to be like, industry leaders in their niche, okay. And so allow your team, your staff, to build a personal brand, okay? to help solve the problems that they're people that your class your customers are facing, to basically help solve their problems by creating scenarios by telling stories by asking questions by engaging with the community. Do you see what's going on here. And so a social profile, it needs to have basically a soul, it needs to be something that people want to connect with. Okay? And so that's where I'm trying to get to when it comes to this part of social media is that people are going to research your business, your landscaping business, they're going to research it, okay. And when they research your landscaping business, what's going to happen is that they're going to start digging, and they're gonna type in like, you know, ABC landscaping, and they might see that john smith, who's your marketer or whatever works for ABC landscaping, you know, maybe on Facebook, they might find it and they might look at john Smith's profile, be like, Oh, cool. This is the stuff that they've done. He has shown before and after pictures, and you're like, well, it's on the personal profile wasn't on the business one because people engage with those people, they know it's a human being, okay? Most people don't engage with a business unless you're like Coca Cola, or Wendy's, where they literally have a person that they hire to typically engage with that community. But you know, most of most home services companies don't have a social media person that engages all the content, that posts all the content has a strategy and all that stuff like most, it's, and so this is how I would envision what most home services companies should do. Alright, you should have, you know, probably two or three people, if you can, you know, one is fine, but two or three people have that will be like the personal brand of your company, right. And then your, your business profile is like a ticker, okay? of just like your post once a week or twice a week on good relevant content. Maybe it's a blog post that you have, maybe it's before and after, maybe it's a question that you get all the time, maybe it's a scenario, maybe it's a, hey, we got this phone call yesterday, and this is how we handled it, maybe it's one of your texts, or your or your you know, or the people that are out in the, you know, out and working the fields, whatever. And they tell a story of a situation how they fixed it. But what I'm getting to is, is that you do this, and what it does is it creates content. And so people when they're researching your business, they'll see it, okay. And then if things are getting scared by say, like the personal profile, like, Hey, this is what we shared on our, you know, Facebook business page about this. And then they see that john smith, is one of those personal brands for your, you know, your landscaping company, your HVC company, your plumbing company, all of a sudden, they start seeing that, and they'll start researching john smith, and like, oh, wow, they talked about this, and, oh, he's a family person. And oh, cool. Do you see what's happening? Now, this business of yours has a soul, this business actually has people and and humans that can relate to okay. And they'll see that people research everything to make sure they're doing business and spending money in the right places, with, you know where it's going, because they don't want to get screwed over. And that's the thing that we have to understand is, is that, you know, in today's day and age, we have to be as transparent as possible, as much as we want to create the separation of business, and then everybody else, we can't do that. When I was running my company for over a decade. I had a business coach at the time, and I did not engage with clients or prospects on my personal Facebook page. And eventually, my, my coach was like, You can't do that anymore. I'm like, What are you talking about, he's like, you are a person of the community, you have to engage with people in the community, I'm like, I'm like, Nick, I can't do that, like, you know, this is my personal page, I don't I don't do that kind of stuff, he's like, he's like, you have a business, you have to start doing that, you have to start engaging, you have to start showing that you are a person, and that your business is this and they need to start seeing this because they emotionally will get attached to you, or, or whatever it is, and eventually started seeing it. And then I started actually doing it. And so I would start you know, connecting with people on Facebook, and also their stuff and, and start realizing like this is important. And so what I'm getting to is that you want to make sure that your business is doing something like this, okay? Whether it's the owner, whether it's the, you know, one of the executives, whether it's one of your sales leaders, whatever it is, your branding, on social media, there needs to be a personal branding, and there's a business branding, okay. And they both have to have a certain type of strategy. Alright, and so it's important that we understand this, because that's gonna, that's going to how it's going to set your business apart from everybody else. Because if you only post on your business page, and that is it, and there's no engagement on there, people are gonna see that they're gonna be like, Oh, they had this before and after picture, and two people liked it. And you're gonna be wondering, Well, you know, Facebook doesn't, you know, doesn't, you know, push my business content out there? Well, of course, because they want you to spend money on ads. And so if you want people to engage with it, you're gonna have to run ads on it. And so the best way of doing this is by using personal branding, it's free, okay? When people post things, like I've tested stuff on this, I where I can post business related certain stuff, and it kind of flops at times, it doesn't get all the attention it deserves, but all of a sudden, I post something that's kind of like a little controversial or funny or whatever. And then I get like, you know, 30 comments, you know, and so there's, there's things that you got to understand on this is that personal branding does work, and especially if you tie it together with your business, okay, so again, I do this on LinkedIn, you can follow me on LinkedIn, just literally type in Javier Lozano Jr. Alright. You will Find me on LinkedIn. And you will see that I use how I use content on there is to bring up scenarios and questions and how to market and, and how to do you know, web design and what to look forward all this stuff. Okay. And I do this because I'm looking for people to engage. And I see that, you know, in my stuff, and there's other things where it doesn't work as well. I mean, one thing I joke about this with my wife is that when I tell stories, I'll have a picture and involves her, I'll have a picture of her or I'll have a picture of us in the family will have a picture of her on the kids, right? Those images get 567 100 views like that, all of a sudden, I put a picture of myself, and it doesn't get nearly as much engagement. And so I laugh because I'm like, I guess I need to have more pictures of my wife and talk about cool stories about how you know, this works and how it relates to marketing and have pictures of my family. And not me, you know. So it works. All I'm saying is, it does work. So allow your team to do this. Next thing want to kind of point out to you is you need to be active on different platforms that you will be active on. So I see this a lot. I see companies that have like a Pinterest, best social media handle, or they have a YouTube channel or they have LinkedIn or Instagram or Facebook and or they have Gosh, tick tock or they have all of them. And you're like, well, you got to be on all of them. Well, here's the thing. All of those social media channels are like your normal channels on TV. So like ABC, NBC, CBS, ESPN, MSNBC, HGTV. And here's here's what I want to get to. Do you think the content that is on HDTV? Would that fly on ESPN? No, you can't do that. You have to have different content on HDTV, and different content that that goes to those that audience in different content that goes on to ESPN. Okay, because whatever content you have on ESPN that won't fly on MSNBC, probably, or it won't fly on HGTV, or it'll fly on the Food Network. Do you see what I'm saying? So these different social media channels are like actual channels on TV. So what people do is they will produced one piece of content, and just blast it on every single platform, every single channel. And they say like, well, Twitter doesn't work for us, or LinkedIn doesn't work for us. Well, it does. But you're speaking incorrectly or using the right the wrong type of content for the channel that you're on. Okay, so there's certain things that you need to understand like Instagram, live a younger demographic, right? Like image heavy stuff. I mean, you don't really do a lot of copy on that. That'd probably be great for like landscaping. Okay, like before and after, that would be amazing. Okay, or like, Facebook is kind of, it's kind of like your has different channels, because you've got your video you've got you got you know, your stories, you've got your regular posts, you get Yammer, you have all that stuff. YouTube, what would be great is if you're a landscaping company, and if you did, like a, I don't know, this is just an example of a time lapse of your project. Okay, maybe you're getting the backyard done. Okay, for some, some client and you did a time lapse of it, and how it all looked, and then all sudden is a slow, like, this is what it looks like. Now, the time lapse would make everything shorter, people will be able to see everything where I'm getting to is that that time lapse may not fly on LinkedIn. Okay, but it might fly perfectly on YouTube. And so you need to know what you're posting on to these different channels. So you can post the same thing but change the content a little bit the strategy around it. So it speaks to that audience. Okay. The other part is that


websites are dead, but a marketing hub is what will replace your currently outdated and underperforming websites. Ask yourself this question. Does my website have the five pillars of marketing? If you're not familiar with that term? Let me explain. The five pillars of marketing are one brand identity and movement to persona based conversion cost three, new opportunity strategy for strategic calls to action and five supporting evidence. Each pillar is a foundational strategy to get more customer activity, which is what we all want as a business. So your current website is missing at least one of these pillars which is making your business lose prospects resulting in lost revenue. Ask yourself this once a customer works. Okay, so your website should be like your top performing salesperson. If it's not, then you need a marketing hub to learn more about a marketing hub schedule a free playbook with our team at

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

My recommendation find one, two, maybe three. Okay. To that you're going to be active on for sure. Alright, and you can do that. That's great. So our company, we're relatively active on a couple of channels. And then personal branding, I do all my stuff on on LinkedIn, and grow my network that way. And then so as far as like Facebook, you know, I do some things on there. But I'm not as active on on Facebook, for that kind of stuff as I am on LinkedIn. And then our company, we do a couple things on Facebook, we do some things on Twitter, and and then just a little bit on LinkedIn, for the company brand. So where I'm coming from is that big channels are going to be active on and post regularly on, okay. And that way it allows you to, to make sure that you're you're out there, because people are going to do research on you, they're going to try to find you, they're going to see what you're doing. And if you're saying, Well, you know, I'd love to have a YouTube channel, but I just don't have time to edit this stuff. Hire an editor. Okay, you can outsource this stuff. So you can record it. Just pull out your iPhone, literally, I record majority of my content just with my iPhone. Okay, I don't. And you're like, well, Javier, you have this big mic. Yeah, so this sounds good on podcasts. That's why otherwise, I record most of my stuff on an iPhone when it comes to the video. Okay, and right now, I'm just recording on my computer for this via zoom. And we'll be using this content different ways, we'll take the video, we'll take the audio, we'll take clips and snippets, like we'll do a whole bunch of stuff with it. But my point is, is that I'm finding ways in how to repurpose this stuff. But what I'm getting to is, is that hire someone, if you don't have time to do the video editing for you and tell them what you want. Okay, if you have like a marketing person, or an intern, or someone that can do this, easily do this with iMovie. Very simple. There's other other other things out there. But hiring, you can hire a freelancer, you can hire a college, you know, college intern, or whatever it is Be creative on this. Like, there's different ways you can do this. But leverage today's technology, like, in my opinion, you as a business should be striving not to be as the best landscaping company is the best plumbing company, the best electrician in your community, you should be striving to become the best media company in your town. And you're like, what do I mean by media company, I mean, this like, you should be producing the most in the best in the funniest and the most engaging content in media, if you focus on being a media company, which is basically free, if not, like relatively free, okay? Very inexpensive. Alright, sometimes there's just time, sometimes a little bit of money investment, alright. But point being is that if you focus on becoming a media company, what that does is it allows you to have more stuff out there, and people are gonna say, Man, they're on this, and they're posting this and show me how to do this. And they're doing that and like, these guys must be the only solution for HVC. And that's what's gonna help your brand grow. And now imagine if you had wings or legs on this, and you let your personal branding take off, okay? Not just your business branding, then you have like more legs making this thing move. And so understand that social media, people are going to be researching your business. Okay, this is part of the trust tipping point, they're looking at elders, they're like, you like your future customers are doing like many attorney things. Let's see if they have this. Let's see if they have this. Because if they find out that the owner is a jerk, okay, they're not gonna want to do business with them. Or better yet, let's say this, let's say it's a single mom, okay, looking for an HVC company. And then she finds an ABC Company, she sees that it's a women owned, okay, and she sees the values of that business stands for, and she sees that that person relates to her story, guess what that single mom is going to do? They're going to contact that company, because they saw not just the business on the on the business brand. But it's a personal brand. And they researched on this personal brand. They're like, wow, this person is amazing, inspiring, she seems trustworthy. I'm going to call her business so that they can do service for my HVC system. So where I'm coming from, be a little different on social media don't just be you know, just generic, you want to stand out right? Next thing is, is that and this is a topic that I have on here, but it's now kind of hold because of what's going on right now with iOS 14 and Facebook. Okay, if you're not aware with what's going on with iOS 14 for this is Apple's updated software, operating system software for for all iPhones. They're essentially not allowing you to track any data on people that visit pages, or websites or whatever, to allow a business to retarget with ads. Okay. And so that's kind of been like ixnay unless someone says, Yeah, it's cool, you can target me. So there are other strategies and we're going to go over that. Today on how to work on retargeting your, your people for your for your Facebook page, okay, but best way I can explain this is this is that if someone visits your business page, like your website, okay? And they're engaging with it, they're clicking whatever, you should be running ads, okay, on social media like Facebook relatively inexpensive to retarget those people to bring him back to your websites, maybe there's an offer maybe it's just like, Hey, you know, if you have questions about this service, let us know or Hey, like, here's a before and after picture of one of our, you know, happy customers or here's a test ammonia from a customer that had really a great experience working with us, whatever it is, you should be bringing those people back to your website, you can do that with social media, you can do that with Google, there's a lot of different ways of how this can be done. Okay, but where I'm getting getting to is, is that on social media, on Facebook, Instagram, relatively easy, okay, if you don't know how to do it, hire a marketing agency. Okay, anchor wave, we're amazing at this. This is one of the things that we do really, really well at, okay, we call these things Boomerang ads, and we call them billboard ads. And we would help your team do that for your company. And so you want to be getting in front of your future prospects, okay, your future customers on a regular basis. So they see your brand, and they see it and then all of a sudden, they'll be like, you know, I do need that. Oh, Siri just turned on by accident. So I do need that service or, or that Oh, yes, right. I needed this. And also I need, you know, I need HBC service, or I need a landscaper, whatever it is, you see what's what's, what's happening here. But you can retarget these people to come visit back to your websites to re engage with your business. That's what you want. Okay. Make sure that that's what I have no Zapier. So social platforms are becoming its own search engine. Okay. So I use LinkedIn quite a bit to find people to research executives to research VPS, and owners and CEOs of these home services companies. And I do that to engage with them to invite them to the podcast, I do that too, to connect with them on LinkedIn to see what they're posting that sort of stuff. So I can eventually start building trust with them. And then maybe that, you know, maybe they might be interested in doing work with us, whatever the case is. Use social media, like a search engine, there are different ways in how you can search for stuff like Facebook has this opera, this way of doing searches, okay. LinkedIn has his ways of doing searches, like LinkedIn even has a third party tool called are the same, the third party tool, it's still their product, but it's called Sales Navigator, where you can start literally narrowing down on on how you want to find certain groups of people. Okay, so yes, you might be a home services company. But maybe you cater to a specific demographic, maybe you cater to women only, maybe maybe you cater to, to, to executives, I don't know, I'm just I'm just throwing these ideas out there. Where I'm getting to is that there are tools that allow you to dig deeper into finding your ideal customer. And so, you know, Google is used as a search engine to find things Facebook, or YouTube is used to like find like how tos, like how to fix your sink, and how to fix your plumbing and how to fix like the suit I'm saying. And so, like, create how to videos on YouTube, because that is a great way to find, you know, business. And if you're wondering, Javier, why would I create a how to video if I want to be hired for it? Because you want to be the solution? What's going to happen is that someone's going to find it. And then you're like, Man, this is way too hard. Or this makes complete sense. But I know I'm going to screw something up, I'd rather hire the person that told me how to do it. Because they gave me the guide, I trusted them. I was almost there by I didn't feel comfortable to pull the trigger. I'm going to call them if you give them ways and how to fix their yard, how to improve their plumbing how to, you know, clean their HVC unit, like if you showed them how to do it? And they're like, Yeah, great. I can do some of these things myself. But there's certain things I cannot do. Because you've given me so much valuable content, I'm contacting you first. And so these social media platforms are now many search engines. And you need to use them and leverage them the right way. Don't be afraid of like, man, like I don't want to give away too much information. Really, you don't want to give away too much information. Because like it's it's free out there. There's plenty of content out there to where they can research enough to find out how to do it themselves. And if you're not the person giving them the guide that had to figure it out, they'll find somebody else that is that's going to help them and they're going to give money to them. So be that company that says hey, I'm going to teach you how to properly grow grass. your backyard whenever you have dead spots, okay, I'm going to teach you on how to, as opposed to having, you know, Joe Smith down the street that's like my neighbor that, you know, works full time in it. And he figured out how to you know, lay stones, okay, and you know, it's not correct. But that's what you're going to be getting, you're going to be getting that person that's like, well, I kind of figured it out. And you're probably watching like, Man, this video is junk, we'll teach people how to do it correctly, be that leader in that. And so when you do these things you are now again, you're creating your branding. And people are gonna start following that they're gonna start seeing, like, Man, this is amazing content, this is this is great, and they'll start trusting you, again, this is part of the trust tipping point, give stuff away, so much value, give 95% of your stuff information, because most people aren't going to take action, I promise you that. Okay, I remember someone telling me this, when I was before I got this job, as the CMO for anchor wave. I was telling these companies, you know, try to get interviews going on things, and then what they do to fix on their website or their business, etc. And one of my colleagues, she said, Javier, you shouldn't be given away all this information. And I'm like, Why did she goes because, like, you're just giving them all this stuff like, this is valuable stuff. I mean, I totally, it totally is. But imagine if, if I didn't give them anything, they're not going to want to contact me, here's the flip side of this, too, is think of it like this, if if I want to be different, I need to give away some great stuff. But if they want this thing to be executed, they need to hire me. Do you see what I'm saying. So that's what we did at seeing a you know, as, as a CMO anchor wave, I had to give them strategies on what I would do as part of my video interview process, and lay it all out. And essentially, that's what sets me apart from a lot of people. And I was given this information away because they can find it somewhere else. But I'm the one that's executing it. So if you want this to work, you got to hire me, you can't just It doesn't work that it doesn't always work that easily. I mean, how many times have people started a project? And then they're like, yeah, I screwed up halfway through. And then they had to hire you, your company to fix, you know, your, your clients jacked up or messed up, you know, thing, that happens a lot. Okay, so be that person to just guide them, help them figure it out, someone's going to screw something up, they're going to break something, and then all sudden, they're like, you know what I was trying to follow what you were doing the video, and this broke, or this happened, and this didn't work. And since you helped me this far, can you come fix the rest. There's nothing wrong with that. Like, that's good. You earned a business, you earn trust, that's what you want. Okay. And then the last thing is that buyers do read your Facebook reviews a lot. And so reviews are becoming a big part of the buying decision. And so this is why again, you need to be active on your social media platforms, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, or whatever those platforms are that you decide to be on. But you have to be active on them. You got to you got to make sure that you're you're reading the review, you're responding to them if they're bad review on it. Don't sit there and argue with these customers that are upset. Okay? If it's a fake review, and you're like, yeah, we've never spoken to you, you can report that. But what I'm getting to is, is that Don't be that person that lays out their dirty laundry on social media. Because people will find it. And they will see what you do. And they'll see how you respond. Don't believe me? Look how how athletes are essentially like, just attacked for how they react to certain things. You get a walk a very fine line. Okay, look at LeBron James, look at what's your face that stepped out of these last two tennis tournaments. She's like, half African American, half Japanese, I forget her name. But she the reason she she stepped out of these two tournaments is because she couldn't take the pressure of these of the reporters questioning all of her decisions. Okay, and she didn't say anything. She just stepped away from the game. And she's still getting ridiculed. But how you react and respond to stuff matters? How you say things to a mistake that you may have not made matters. Alright, I'm not saying that customers are always right. Don't believe in that. Don't believe in that saying. I used to say this in my own company is that the customer is always right, unless they're wrong. And they can be wrong a lot. Okay. But if someone has a legitimate complaint and you screwed up on it, like hey, We messed up really sorry. How can we make this up to you give me a call on my personal cell phone, reach out to support, have them contact me. Something like that. Okay, so this is, again, this is part of the trust tipping point, this is how people start getting trust on your brand. Okay, so I hope this was really helpful. I hope you guys understand why this is all important. Why we want to create that brand of trust, why we are looking for, you know, your business to be active on social media, because if it's not, you're almost non existent. Okay? If you find this stuff valuable, and in this information I just shared today, like, like, share this podcast episode with friends, I would love for you, that would be the biggest thank you that I could ever hear. Like, just the other day, I used to. I used to host another podcast for a different industry. It was called, what was it called? facilities, facilities and property management secrets radio. That's what I called it. Okay. And I'm pretty sure people still download this thing. Anyways, some dude, messaged me two weeks ago, three weeks ago on LinkedIn, because I have here, I read your pot, I've been listening to your podcasts. He's like, your content is amazing. It's inspiring. It's great. I love it. And I'm like, Oh, cool. And he goes, I'm going to this trade show called riff Ma, which is restaurants Facilities Management Association, out in Charlotte. And he's like, I'd love to see you do some pointers on how to best you know, try to get engaged with some of the some prospects. And I'm like, Wow, so a still listens to my podcasts. And I haven't published anything in over a year beam reaches out to me because I'm an authority in that industry, apparently, and I mean, not in it anymore. See, he's willing to engage with me and ask me some questions, and then asked me for the follow up questions. kind of crazy. Okay, so my request if you find this, great, share it with people, I don't care if you're in the home services industry or not. Okay, share it. Because if we can make this you know, make the tide rise and all ships rise as the tide rises, then the industry grows, okay, and everyone will be at a higher level of standard expectations. Alright, hope you guys enjoyed this. I'll talk to you guys later.


Thanks for joining me on this episode of the trust tipping point marketing podcast. I'm your host, Javier Lozano, Jr. A lot of home service companies come to us at anchor way meaning help with their overall marketing strategy and their digital presence. So what we ended up doing is creating a custom marketing playbook to help businesses just like yours. The Home Services space have a improved digital marketing roadmap for 2021. One of the highlights during this Home Services custom playbook is the importance of having a marketing hub, which we call a website killer. And I'll be honest here, today's websites are dead, outdated, ineffective. After 17 years in 1300 plus websites, discovering the best approach to customer activity. And to win more business is by having a marketing marketing hub will help set your home services business apart from your competition. Place us in your space. To learn more about what a marketing hub is schedule a free Custom Home Services playbooks by going to anchor slash playbook. We're gonna answer seven simple questions, and we'll give you free access to this playbook. Again, go to slash playbook to get free access to our home service and digital marketing playbook.