The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast

5 Elements Your Website Is Missing That Is Making Your Business Untrustworthy - Javier Lozano, Jr.

Javier Lozano, Jr. - Anchor Wave Internet Solutions Episode 3

Your website is the digital storefront of you business, of your brand.

Your website needs to be professional and modern but also convey a high level of trust.

Roughly 4% of of website visitors actually take action on your site (buy or opt-in for a lead magnet), while the other 96% bounce and leave your site.


Probably because your website is missing 1 (or all) of the 5 elements necessary to help your website build trust for your home services company.

In this episode, Javier Lozano, Jr. -- CMO at Anchor Wave -- he shares 5 elements most businesses do not have on their website.

To learn more about The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast, please visit:


Marketing in the home services industry has changed so much over the past few decades. Now an even more rapid pace these last few years almost to a point it's impossible to keep up with what's trending. Have you ever felt like marketing in today's economy is like flushing money down the toilet. That's where we come in and help honest Home Services companies just like yours, learn and understand some of the most effective marketing strategies today, strategies used by some of the top home service companies around the world. My name is Javier Lozano Jr. and welcome to the trust tipping point Marketing Podcast.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

What's going on everybody? Welcome to another episode of the trust tippingpoint marketing podcast again, I'm your host Javier Lozano, Jr. With anchor wave. And so we got another great episode that we'll be covering today. And really what what we're doing here is, is really kind of explain a little bit more about this whole trust tipping point thing I know, we're kind of kind of was beaten this thing in, we had this an interview that was amazing with Lily that was explain a little bit more about trust. And then our first podcast was explaining about why we named this trust tipping point, all this other stuff. And so what I'm trying to do is I want to educate a lot of our guests that are listening to this podcast about about this whole trust tipping point. And we're and we're kind of journeys. And so this is, what I mean by this is that like, today, we'll be talking about is your website. And you know, what does your website have to do? And, and what can it do to create trust and build it. And so over the next few episodes that you'll be seeing, as well, too, is is just like, discuss a little bit more about reviews, and what the reviews can do to building more trust for your business. discuss a little bit more about your Google searches and what you can do to show up correctly on Google and how that builds trust. So where I'm getting to is all of these these pillars is kind of one of his what I want to kind of kind of cover is that all these pillars are all part of the trust tipping point journey. And so your your future customer, their their interest, interested in your business, they're interested in your service, they need you to help them trust them more. And it starts with the first thing, it's your storefront, your storefront is your website, your website is what's going to either push someone away and say, I don't know about this, or they're going to be more intrigued and engaged, and actually start interacting with your website, they'll start clicking on links, they'll start, you know, reading some blog posts, they'll do all sorts of stuff. And so that's what you're trying to do is is is really what you're trying to do is you're trying to shorten this journey on getting your your buyer to your future buyer to call you to tax you want to purchase your service to have their landscaping done to have their their plumbing, fix whatever it is. But you know, the thing is that it really does start with that website. And so your websites, it needs to convey certain things. And so before I dive into what a website needs to look like, and what you need to have on your website, I want to explain something be very clear on this is that is that most people, most companies, most businesses believe marketing is this, you run an ad, you set them to a store and they buy, or you run an ad, you set them to your website, and they buy. That's exactly how they do this. And and I'm not faulting you, if you think this all the time, because everyone does this every major business has is like, you know, we got done watching the Superbowl but a month ago, and everyone was running ads, and then sending them to a website or sending them to a store to go buy something, you see what I'm saying, like we see this, you're like, well, this is this is how it works. And I want to reiterate this, this is what was mentioned in my last interview with Lilly, is that whenever we do, whenever we do that, what's really going on is that you're missing out on a big piece of the pie. Only 4% of people only 4% of buyers actually take action, only 4%. So that means is this if you ran an ad, you send them to your website and expect them to buy if you're an ad and 100 people saw that ad and then 100 people all let's just assume that all 100 people went to your website, only four of them are going to buy from you. What about those other 96 people? They are on a different journey. Okay, and this is why we're I'm really hitting this whole trust tipping point to make to help our Home Services industries understand that the purpose that what we're trying to really emphasize is is that your future customer is on a different journey, if you understand that, and then you can help guide them through that journey to make the best decision for their family. for themselves on hiring you, then what you've done is you've, you've probably gained a customer for life. But more importantly, you've become the expert via authority, the person that knows the most about this stuff, okay? So I'm just want to make sure we all understand this is that this whole trust tipping point journey, it's different, okay? And your buyer is not just going to buy just because they saw an ad, they're not going to call you just because you know, your website says that you've been around in business since 1974. Or that you're a licensed business, like, no one's gonna watch that no one's gonna know gonna react that, like, every business should be licensed, every business should have insurance like, like, that's not a selling point. And so where I'm kind of getting to now is, is that your website needs to have more than just like these features, okay, about what you do. Alright. So before we dive into that, let me talk about websites, websites first need to look modern, alright, they need to be up to date, they need to have something that has been designed within the past, I'd say no later than three years. Okay. And you should be updating your website, probably every two to three, maybe four years. Like ongoing? And if you say, No, my website, it's it stands the test of time. It really, your website stands the test of time, like look at cars, you know, look at look at your iPhone, you know, this is an iPhone eight plus eight s plus or whatever. It's the last version before it went into, like the face recognition and whatever, right? had this for three years, this thing has seen better days. Okay, there are better iPhones out there right now, does this still work yet works? Am I missing out on some other features? Probably. Okay. Am I going to be updating it for a new iPhone? Yeah. Okay. And you should be doing the same thing with your website, your website needs to be modern and up to date. And so what does that mean? What is monitored and up to date, what I'm getting to is that it needs to be in a sense, where when someone goes there, someone feels like this is a freshly clean, freshly designed site. It looks like other sites that they see not other Home Services sites that they see other sites that they're accustomed to seeing, it needs to be like that. If you understand that, okay, then what you're going to do is you're going to get this whole, okay, these guys are up to date. They're modern. Okay, that sort of makes sense. Like, a great example is this is if you're workers, if you're a comp, if your h vac, technicians show up to sites not in uniform in like ratty shirts and jeans, looking out of, you know, unprofessional, does that look modern? Does that look professional? Does that look like hey, I want to serve you and help solve your problems. It doesn't. So if your technicians are supposed to look like, you know, nice Polo tucked in shirts, you know, relatively clean jeans, you know, working tight boots, like they have to look and act apart, then your website needs to do the same thing to your website needs a look and act the park as well. So your website is really designed. If you probably hear this really loud noises, it's these guys are cleaning our streets or something. Anyways, these websites are really designed to really start kind of building that layer of like, Oh, I trust you. I know who you are, I get what you do that sort of stuff. And when you when you get that you if you need to have a modern website, then that's going to be the beginning. And so I know a lot of companies go to like Wix or go to one of those other types of Oh, gosh, Squarespace. Okay, those other those other types of websites like those, they're like, well, they're easy to build. They're easy to build, but they're not optimized correctly to where people can find you the way they should be. And there's certain things there's, there's I guess the best way to spend this, there's there's certain setbacks that you don't get out of it. All right. I, I can do landscaping, okay. I can go and dig a hole in my backyard. I can go and lay paver stones. I can I can move rock. I can I can lay retaining walls. Is it gonna look good? Probably not. Okay, so, like, there's a lot of stuff that I can do. And then there's things I'm like, you know what, though? I'd probably be better off hiring someone than me actually doing this myself. Okay, I can watch plenty of YouTube videos that tells me how to do landscaping in my backyard. Okay, I, there's all these things I can do myself, but I'm not gonna do it. And the reason I'm not gonna do that is I don't know how to do as quickly as efficiently and as correctly as a professional in that in that specific trade. Alright, same thing with h fac. Alright, I worked for an H fat company for 18 months, that's, I can't, I can't diagnose what's wrong with my hpac, I can kind of I can change the filter, you turn on the thermostat, I can change the thermostat like those, like, there's a few things I can definitely do. And then others, I'm like, I have no clue what I'm doing. I get I'm going to hire someone that's professional. Okay. And that's how your website should be, you should hire someone that's a professional, that that knows how to design a high converting website that shares your message that talks about your brand, all that stuff. So you know what I really want, like one want to kind of really emphasizes that. Don't skimp out on your website, people and companies that say, Well, I just have a website up because it's just like having a yellow page, you know, ad in the yellow pages? No, no, no. Today, your website is the first thing people see. Because they're going to be going to Google, they're going to be typing stuff in. If your site happens to show up, good job, you showed up organically good, or you're running ads. If your site looks like trash, you just lost them. Again, I just told you this, that 4% of people actually take action. And by so if we sent you 100 people, only four people are going to show up. And if your website's not modern, you might get zero. Okay, so that's what I'm really trying to drive this part in. Is that is that we're trying to really get people understand that, that if you want to get more business, if you want to get more customer activity, all that stuff, you need to start with the foundation, the foundation, the first pillar, okay? Having a modern up to date websites, okay? hire someone that actually knows what they're doing. That's going to deliver a good website, and don't skimp out on price. Because we see this all the time as well, too. Right? Like, what do you do whenever you're, you're hiring a landscaper, you get three bids. And you know, you look at your highest one, you look at your lowest one. And we all know this, don't go with the cheapest, okay? You look at your highest one, you're like, what are you offering that you're charging so much. And then you look at your middle one. And you're like, well, this higher price one, they get this, this, this, this and this, which is valued at this, this mid tier one, you know, like I don't get all those things, I wonder why I would have to pay to get those things. And then sometimes you might go with a higher price, because you're getting more value out of it. So that's how, you know, consumers are taught to basically get quotes and bid for projects. Like we just hired a landscaper, like last year, and he's scheduled to do some work for us in April. Okay. And we got bids. Same thing with our with patio done, we had like three or four bids, because they're all over the chart. They're literally all over the place. And then, you know, we finally hired somebody, where I'm coming from is that a lot of companies they skimp out on this whole website thing? Because they don't believe it. They're like, well, websites don't generate me business. Well, if you have a trashy website, then guess what, of course, it's not gonna generate unique business. Do you really expect it to give you business? If it doesn't look good? Like like that? That doesn't make any sense. Okay, do you expect to get more referrals? If your landscaping is shoddy? Do you expect to get more referrals? If you do a poor job and your hva see work? Do you expect to get more referrals? If you're, if you're if your technicians don't want professional? Don't take care of the customers aren't polite? Like, like, do you expect more referrals? No. And so that's where we need to understand this is that, like, this all starts from the beginning. Okay, when someone is searching for your service, they find your brand, they go to your site, they need to see that this is a modern looking site, they need to see that you've invested in making this look good up to date. Okay, they need to see that because buyers are getting smarter and smarter every day. All right, they're not dumb. They're really smart. Alright, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you guys five tips on what your website needs to have in order to help take that person through that trust tippingpoint journey. Okay, five tips. So tip number one is you need to have a web ready logo. Okay, web ready. This is what I mean by web ready. It's not pixelated. So if you don't know what pixelated means is that it's basically like a logo that you just scanned, okay, that you know from either a patch that you have or you like, you know, I found it on my computer I miss, I'm gonna just put it onto the website, it needs to be crisp, it needs to be clean. Think like Nike, think Amazon, when you look at their logos, they're specifically designed for wherever they are. So they're designed the right way for like, an app or they're designed the right way for a website. And it's not pixelated me, and there's like, you see all the dots, it looks clean, okay, so you need to understand that you that your, your, your logo needs to be web ready, okay, and it needs to be like, it can't be too small. And it can't be too big. Because the way it loads on different devices, if it loads on a phone, and it's too big, it's going to you know, basically take up the entire screen. If the the logo is it too big of a file, okay, it's going to take up too long for the website to load that actual logo. So we've got these things about our web ready logo, like it can't be pixelated, it can't be too large of a file size, because then they'll take too long to load the site. And if a site takes too long, guess what? That takes you under load, then your buyers gonna leave. If your logo looks pixelated, then you're biessing me like, they don't even take the time to have a good stripe looking logo, they're gonna leave, right? If the logo is ginormous on the phone, they're gonna like what the hell, man, they're gonna leave. Okay, so like, like, I'm telling you exactly how a buyer goes through some of the stuff. And I and it's interesting, because I'll have my wife do a lot of the stuff around our house when it comes to hiring certain things. And then I'll kind of like evaluate as well, too. And so when she's looking for a certain service to be done, show depth, first thing she does is she goes to Google and she finds something and she's like, I couldn't find their website. They don't exist to me, she won't go there. Same thing with like, you know, essential look at Facebook. If she's like, I can't find them on Facebook, either. They don't exist to me, even though she might have a phone number. Okay. Another one is, you know, she won't buy from someone where the site looks kind of shoddy, she's like, this looks a little sketchy, I don't think I'm going to buy from them. Okay, so that's where I want you guys to understand is is that to help your buyer get through this trust tippingpoint journey, you need to have a web ready logo, okay, web web. And if you don't have a logo that's web ready, then you need to hire a web design company that does this kind of stuff. Okay, so if you hire a web design company that understands how to create you a web ready logo, they'll take your current logo, they'll either make it, where it's not gonna be pixelated, and they'll give you different sizes of the logo. So sizes for the website sizes for like, for Facebook sizes for say, like LinkedIn, they'll give you different sizes of that logo, so you can use it in the appropriate places. Okay. So that's, that's something that's really beneficial of working with a web design company that does web ready logos, and does the maybe even like, create your own logo. So let's say that you're in the market of getting a new logo, okay? I understand that something that's that's not something that a lot of home services companies don't want to do. Because the cost of getting a new logo, it's not so much the cost of getting the logo, it's the cost of rebranding everything else. So like all of your you know, your polos and your shirts and, and your trucks and you're in everything has to be rebranded. I get that. So if you don't want to rebrand the new logo, get a web ready logo, okay? And so we can take a site or a logo and make it to where it's, it's gonna be ready for the website, it's getting ready for your mobile, it's gonna be ready for desktop, it'll be ready for Facebook will be ready for LinkedIn, it'll be ready for everything. Okay, it won't be pixelated, you have different sizes based on whatever your needs are. That's that's important. So that's number one, a web ready logo. Number two, your sales copy. Okay, that's basically the text on there needs to be what we call persona based conversion copy, persona based conversion copy. So what does that mean? persona based is like your person, the person that you're trying to sell. Okay? And conversion copy, basically is is that it's what you're writing that's designed to convert people to call the take action to want to buy. Alright, that's what you're trying to create there. So you want sales copy that speaks to your ideal customer. Now, this is the best way I can explain this is that we've all been up late at night watching stupid infomercials. And then there's that dude, that's selling, you know, this new frying pan, you know, and says that nothing sticks to it, whatever it is, and the way they're speaking to you, you're like, Wow, I didn't realize Lives My life was messed up. Because the cheese stuck on my frying pan, I need to buy this. And that's what's going on is that these infomercials, the way they're scripted is that they're they have the right type of personality doing the selling, okay, they have the right type of script that's getting people engaged, you're like, oh, and and all this other stuff. So, same thing goes with websites, that you buy things. Alright. So if you are accustomed to buying stuff on the internet, pay attention to your buying habits. So when you're surfing, and you're about to pull out your credit card, and you're about to buy something, ask yourself this, why am I buying this? Why am I taking the time to buy this? websites are dead, but a marketing hub is what will replace your currently outdated and underperforming websites. Ask yourself this question. Does my website have the five pillars of marketing? If you're not familiar with that term, let me explain. The five pillars of marketing are one, brain identity and movement to persona based conversion company, three, new opportunity strategy, for strategic calls to action and five supporting evidence. Each pillar is a foundational strategy to get more customer activity, which is what we all want as a business. So your current website is missing at least one of these pillars, which is making your business lose prospects, resulting in lost revenue. So ask yourself this, what's a customer worth to you? Okay, so your website should be like your top performing salesperson. If it's not, then you need a marketing hub to learn more about a marketing hub schedule a free playbook with our team at anchor wave comm slash playbook. And then you're going to probably it's going to be this is that what what you're reading, it's resonating with you, it's relating with you, and it's solving a problem that you have, and you want to have that problem solved immediately. So that's why you pulled out your credit card, and you're gonna pay for whatever that is, whether it's $7, whether it's$27, whether it's $97, where there's $2,000, whatever it is, so your website, the conversion, copy the sales copy, it shouldn't be written in a generic format it You shouldn't have a generic type, where it's for everybody. And if you say, well, we do work for everyone. No, you don't you like, if you market to everybody, then you market to nobody. You need to speak to specific type of audience, okay. And so like best example, I can give you on like speaking to a, the best type of audience is that I've got a friend that's getting a pool belt in Florida. And he is getting some bids and quotes. And so one of the places he called, and then the guy goes, you know, we don't do any jobs that is under $100,000. We only do premium work over 100 grand is like, oh, okay, so stop talking them. Here's the thing that needs to be conveyed on the website. Because then otherwise, my friend never would have called, at least the person that answered the phone told him that now, you're not going to put on your phone and say, or you're on your website, say we only do projects that are over $100,000. But what you can do is you can say we focus on premium based projects that include this, does that make sense? So you're going to use certain types of language on your website that calls out to your ideal customer. Okay. And when you do that, all of a sudden that person is reading that sales copy. And they're, they feel like they're getting spoken to by a professional that gets them. And so, like, you know, the another way of thinking about this is is that the sales copy on your website should be your top salesperson. Okay? Because it's working 20 473 65 it should be generating leads, it should be generating phone calls, it should be generating inquiries. And if it's not doing that, then your website isn't really designed to convert. And so I've seen this a lot. And when I was in the HVC space, I occasionally I had people call me and say hey, I know you're really good at marketing. Can you help me kind of figure out why our website isn't doing well? I'm like, Yeah, sure. So I take a look at it. And there are brands I didn't know like Brian, I think is an H vac unit and I'm like what's Brian he's like it's the type a unit we sell. My no one cares about that because what do you mean? I go Think about this. Do you think someone's gonna call you and say hey, I need to make sure you give me a Bryant air conditioning unit. He's like, No, no, no one ever would say that. So why are you putting that in your website? No one cares about that. You know what they care about? They care about, you know what you're going to do how you're going to fix their their HVAC system how ou know you only offer the best remium packages or services. hatever it is, it's about their roblems being solved. And so hat you don't want to do on our website as well is you on't want to have what we call echnobabble. Okay? Where you're sing industry jargon, alright? eople put in like, these, like, ou know, certifications, you now, with different industries nd organizations, no one cares bout that. No one knows what it s, like, there's a certain ertification in the HVC ndustry, which I actually orgot what it is, I used to now what it was, like, I don't now, I forget what it is. But o one cares about those things. ike, like, you should be ertified, it's this should be a iven, okay, you should be icensed and bonded. Like, it hould be a given, that doesn't ell people, you know, what ells people is that is like, ey, is your HVC, you know, down uring the winter months, during uring winter, like the coldest ime winter, we'll get to your ouse and under 24 hours and ave your system up and running. Like that sells somebody? Does that make sense? So you want to have your sales, copy speaking to your audience, making them feel emotional about what you're talking about. Okay, and be like, man, I really need to hire these guys. If your website doesn't do that, then you need to hire a good, strong copywriter. Okay, a copywriter that understands your business that understands how to write copy that's going to help convert and make people want to either call you or opt in for something like be, you know, basically, you know, put in their name, phone number, email, that sort of stuff, or, or something else, right. But it needs to make them take action. And so the best way to know if your website is doing this is that you want to see if you're getting leads on a regular basis from your website. And if it's coming through your site, and is in the sales copy strong, then that's good. That means that you're doing something, right. But if you're not getting a lot of leads, let's say you're getting phone calls, that might be good, but make sure you're tracking this stuff. But you know, at the end of the day, when you have sales copy, that's something that not a lot of home service type companies have experience in doing. And so I personally would recommend hiring that out. I wouldn't even try to bother writing, it's okay. There's certain things that I'm really good at sales copy, I'm really good at copywriting for emails and stuff like that. And there's other times whenever I'll hire somebody out to do certain things, because I don't have the time, I don't have the complete knowledge of something. And then when I read everything, I'm like, Oh, this is perfect. And then I'll tweak it to kind of fit what I'm trying to set to sell or to convey or whatever is that that sort of makes sense. So when you do that, you're going to start building more trust in your in your ideal customer. Alright, number three, you need to make sure you have professional photography, professional illustration, okay, no stock photos, I repeat, zero stock photos, okay? Like the person that that's calling your business, they want to see the receptionist. All right, that's answering the phone. They want to know who the owner is. And not just like, you know, Jack's been to the owner since 1924. You know, that's pretty old owner 1974. Okay. Like they want to, they want to see these people, they want to see them in a uniform, they want to see them in their trucks, they want to see them doing work, they want to see their work, they want to see videos of them doing work. This makes sense now, like, you don't want to use stock images, like, we all know what a stock image looks like. It's cheesy, it's corny, it doesn't look authentic, none of that stuff, okay. And if you're saying, you know, Javier, we, you know, we don't keep a lot of our employees, then maybe you got to do something to keep more employees on a regular basis, or you need to update your pictures professionally on a regular basis. But you want to have professional pictures. Okay. And it's really, really important to have professional pictures throughout your site, because it tells a story. All right, it, you've got the sales copy, that is, you know, words sell that selling you. And then you have like pictures that are like, oh, wow, this is the owner. And this is how he looks like he doesn't look like some, you know, some some scary guy that wants to come to my house like he looks like a normal legit person. You want to do that. And so that's going to help you continue to build more trust because then now you become more transparent. You're using your sales copy to tell a story, to get them to trust you to get them to actually take action. You're using the images Okay, have professional photography to actually get someone to be like, oh, wow, these guys are great. I see. This is what their truck looks like, this is what their shop looks like, this is a lot of what their work looks like, this is amazing. Like all those things, when you're doing that, then what you've done is that you're helping your your future customer gain more trust about what you offer what you do, and they're going to call you, they're going to opt into whatever lead magnet you might have. They're going to take action. So give your future buyers an opportunity to trust you even more. Okay? Like, trust me when I say this, okay? Anyways, I know I'm like really harping on this whole trust thing, but this is what it's about. Okay. All right. So next thing, what you want to have number four is you want to have branded typography. Alright, and you're like branded typography. What the heck is that? Do you just notice what? here here's a great example. This book right here, this book that I, I've read before several times called expert secrets. Okay. That's branded type biography. See that? He has another book. Russell Brunson has another book that is secrets. And it is literally the same way. The only thing that's different is that where it says expert, it And where it says secret is the same way. same font, same font. Okay. Here's another book. It's called Traffic Secrets, same font. You won't have branded typography, you have a certain type of font that you use throughout your entire branding, on your website, on social media, on your images, all of it. And if you're wondering, does it really matter? What do you think like Amazon? Does it Nike? Does it Under Armour? Does it carrier that makes air conditioning units, does it? Why shouldn't you, you want to have a typography that is about your brand. Don't use silly ones, like Comic Sans, or something like that. Okay. And so what's amazing with with websites right now, okay, especially if you have them designed by a professional web design company, is that they can help you create a branded typography, okay, that is specific for your brand. Alright, there's different styles and they'll, they'll look at your style. And we do this actually, at anchor wave two, they'll look at your style. And they'll look at your brand. Now look at everything else. Now. So this is this is what we recommend that you have this type of typography because it goes along with what you're trying to convey. Okay, it's easier to read, it's, it's does this does that, etc. And then they'll give you like examples like, this is how it looks like in this, this is how it looks like in this style. This is like in this style, and they'll give you like two or three examples. And then you can select whichever one is best for your brand. When you start doing that, now you're getting to this whole thing and that your branding your your company is not only being a trustworthy, authoritative brand, okay, but you have your own type of font. Okay, your own type of style. And lastly, number five, you have a color palette. Okay, a color palette that is used throughout your site. Okay, and like when you think Amazon, you think of me, pull up my app for Amazon. Alright, so when you think Amazon, they've updated it, but their color palette is gonna be blue. A little bit of orange, because the little smiley thing, right little smiley face. And then they just now added like this whole cardboard color, or color palette. Under Armour does the same thing too. Okay, a lot of brands, Apple does the same thing. A lot of brands do this. So when you're trying to figure out typography and color palette, don't look at other home services companies. Alright, a lot of companies do this. They'll look at like, Well, let me go look at my competitor and see what they're doing. Don't do that. Look at other top brands outside of your space. Look at like technology companies look at clothing companies look at retail companies, like look at those brands, and see what they're doing and model that. Why would you want to model that because they're making a crap ton of money. They spend a ton on branding. They do a lot of market research, okay? They, they're figuring they have this all figured out, model them and when you model them, what that does is that it makes you look different from everybody else in your space. So that's some thing that I experienced whenever I was working at SEMA, mechanical HVC companies to work for in Denver. He, our CEO would be like, you know, let's go look at you know, our competitors see what he's doing and like, No, he's like, why not go because you don't want to be like him, you're trying to be different, everyone else is doing what these guys are doing. And so you want to stand out from the crowd. So which is why I put typography and color palette at the bottom of this entire thing is because that's going to make even stand out differently and further from everybody else. Like there's a reason why Linux has a certain type of, you know, color palette, and carrier has a certain type of color palette, okay, like, carrier is blue, Lennox is red. They chose those colors for a reason. And so when you do this, and you use it correctly, throughout your website, it looks great, professional, looks branded, and those colors are going to help sell more. Okay, because it's a modern looking website. So that's, that's basically like the, like the first pillar, if you will, of that trust, trust tipping point journey, where you're, you're taking your your buyer through a shorter journey, by making sure the website is modern and up to date. So the site has had been, you know, updated within the past two or three years. Okay. And if it hasn't, you need to invest in it. Okay, spend the money, spend money. And I know, some people are going to ask me like, well, how much money should I spend? You should spend a significant amount of money, because it's going to return dividends. So let me kind of explain this. Okay. If you spent $15,000 in the new modern website, okay.$15,000 in the last year for, let's say, three years, right,$5,000 a year, do you think you can make at least $5,000 a year from your website? That is modern, web ready? Has persona based conversion, copy, good sales, copy, professional photography, nice branding, as far as typography and a great color palette, do you think you can make your $5,000 per year for the next three years back? Yes, you will, you'll probably make 10 times that 20 times that 100 times that? Hopefully, it's a lot. And the reason I'm saying this is that people are buying things that are making them emotionally feel safe. Okay? And so when you understand this, you're going to be you'll be getting a significant return on your investment. So don't look at it as like, man, I gotta drop 15 grand on a website. No, I look at it as like, this is gonna be a great opportunity to make a lot of money on my website. I when I had my own business, I spent how much I think like $3,000 a year, roughly $3,000 a year on my website. That was that's what we spent. I made 30 leads off my site per month, we would close. Obviously, we'd set 15 appointments of those 30 leads, and we would have, say 13 to 14 of them show up and then close like 1010 of them. Right. And that was every single month, and we were selling packages of anywhere from 2000 to $3,000. For each enrollment, that was the Talton entire total package. Okay. If you looked at MFI, it'd be like this is a tinderbox. Right. So if you're enrolled 10 people 200 bucks, that's $2,000. That's just for one month, multiply that times X amount of months. Trust me, I've already paid for my website. I'm just one month that that sort of makes sense. So your website will generate you revenue. This is a lot of companies don't think it does. They think that it's just useless. And they just put it out there just like it just, it's just a check in the box. That's all it is. Don't do that. Because that's what a lot of people do. Okay. And they don't realize that consumers are really savvy in that they're looking to what see websites and see who they're going to be buying from based on their websites. That's the first thing they see. Most professional thing. Okay, invest in it. And so I use $15,000 as a random number. But you might be spending roughly that on a good website and everything heavier. That is ridiculous. That is out that is out of control. Is it really is it really out of control, like the amount of money I'm spending for my landscaping? I think it's expensive, but after comparing it with other people, it's a fair price. It's good quality work. Okay? Don't skimp out on what's going to get you the most business. Okay, and it's going to possibly be your best salesperson, okay? Alright guys. So I hope this was actually really valuable. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you have any questions, let me know. And other than that, something I want to kind of, you know, put in there is, let's just say a shameless plug. But our company anchor wave, we do web design, and we're really good at it. And we do things a little differently. And you might be listening to it in the middle of this podcast. And also, at the end of the podcast, we have this thing called a marketing hub. And marketing hub is a really different way of, of how to do a website. So we've stopped selling websites. As of this year, we no longer sell websites, we only sell marketing cups. And the reason we sell marketing cups is because of what we're just talking about right now, this whole trust important journey is because what we've realized after 18 years of designing websites, and over 1300, almost 1400 websites that we've designed, that there is a certain path in journey that buyers are going through. And when we realized this, we couldn't continue to sell websites the way we used to in the past, we had to change. Okay, so this new innovative way of designing websites, not only is it going to be revolutionary for your company, okay, it's gonna make you stand out from all the other companies out there that you're competing with in your space. Okay, and so what I'm getting to is, is that, that if you really do need a website, you want to have a consultation, you want to discuss it, let's talk, man, let's see, like, we're not going to try to help sell you hard. We're gonna do an honest evaluation of your site, give you some feedback, and go from there. And if you like it great, and if you don't, no big deal. So anyways, if you're interested in learning more about that, what you can use, you go to anchor wave comm slash playbook. Okay? If you go to anchor slash playbook, we'll schedule time to discuss a bit more about your, your website, and then basically give you feedback about your website and see what we can do to make it better. Okay, so I hope this was valuable, guys. I love talking about this kind of stuff. And if you guys are, we're a little hurt about maybe a little harsh. Maybe you're in the wrong industry. I'm just kidding. But anyways, I hope you guys have an amazing day and I'll talk to you guys another time. Thanks for joining me on this episode of the trust tipping point marketing podcast. I'm your host Javier Lozano Jr. A lot of home services companies come to us at anchor way meaning help with their overall marketing strategy and their digital presence. So what we ended up doing was creating a custom marketing playbook to help businesses just like yours in the Home Services space, have a improved digital marketing roadmap for 2021. One of the highlights during this Home Services custom playbook is the importance of having a marketing hub, which we call a website killer. And I'll be honest here, today's websites are dead, outdated and ineffective. After 17 years in 1300 plus websites, we've discovered the best approach to increase customer activity and win more business is by having a marketing and marketing hub will help set your home services business apart from your competition in place you as a leader in your space. To learn more about what marketing hub is scheduling a free Custom Home Services playbooks by going to anchor wave comm slash playbook. You're going to answer seven simple questions and we'll give you free access to this playbook. Again go to anchor wave comm slash playbook to get free access to our Home Services digital marketing playbook