The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast

How To Guide Your Future Customer To Trust Your Business... More - Javier Lozano, Jr.

Javier Lozano, Jr. w/Anchor Wave Episode 1

Do you want more customer activity for your home services business? 

Do you want better qualified leads that truly TRUST your brand and are willing to spend their hard earned cash with your HVAC, handyman, landscaping, plumbing -- or any other service in the trades?

Your future customer is on a unique journey to find the perfect business  to help solve their problems.  But, many home services business owners don't realize it. 

In this first episode you'll learn why we decided to call this home services focused marketing podcast -- The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast.

The goal is that if your business serves home owners (and renters), then you need to learn and understand some of the best marketing strategies today.

Strategies that include how to guide your prospect to help them buy from you.

The Trust Tipping journey is something every buyer goes through.

Your future customer may see an ad on Google or Facebook. Then, they'll go to your website. After that, they'll put on your attorney hat on and begin to do more Google searches about your company and yourself. Ask their friends or community on Facebook if someone has done business with your home services company.

They even take it a step further and dig into reviews, type in your company + "scam" and more...


Customers do not want to be a victim to bad service on their home.

This is why if you position your brand as a guide to helping customers TRUST your company, you become an authority.

To learn more about The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast, please visit us at:

Intro  0:01  

Marketing in the home services industry has changed so much over the past few decades. Then even more rapid pace these last few years almost to a point it's impossible to keep up with what's trending. Have you ever felt like marketing and today's economy is like flushing money down the toilet? That's where we come in and help honest Home Services companies just like yours, learn and understand some of the most effective marketing strategies today, strategies used by some of the top home service companies around the world. My name is Javier Lozano Jr. and welcome to the trust tipping point Marketing Podcast.

Javier Lozano, Jr.  0:33  

What's up everybody?

Welcome to the first episode of the trust tipping point marketing podcast. I'm your host Javier Lozano Jr. With anchor wave internet solutions. And so this is the first episode. And basically, you're probably wondering, okay, what

do you do? What

are you going to be offering? What kind of podcast is is going to be you have all these questions about that first episode? And I totally understand I totally get it. And basically, this whole first episode is more about telling the origin story about the trust tipping point marketing podcast, how we came up with that name, what we're going to be offering to our audience, you know, who our ideal audience is going to be to listen to this, what kind of value are you getting out of that, and then just kind of take it from there. So really, this this, this first podcast is really to kind of get a taste in a teaser about what we've, what we've been doing, and what we will be doing moving forward. And so first things first, let's talk a little bit about what the trust tipping point is. Okay. And so the trust tipping point is a concept that was actually created before I joined and came on to the anchor wave team. And when I learned what the trust tipping point was, I was amazed by it, I was it was something that was great to see. And I understand why because that is exactly how I go through the buying process, when it comes to making making any kind of purchases and that sort of stuff. So so the trust tipping point, just kind of made sense when I saw it. And as I kind of started diving in more to anchor wave philosophy and their culture, and what they've done and all these amazing things that anchor wave has been a part of, it just made sense to call this podcast, the trust tipping point Marketing Podcast. And so this podcast is really about marketing, it's going to help people that are in the home services industry. Alright, so if you're a CEO, President, VP, exact owner of any of these kind of Home Services type businesses such as HVAC, plumbing, electricians, landscaping, pool builders, GC's, those sort of people that are serving customers in the residential space, and you're probably really good at it. Like you probably do amazing stuff, you have great quality, when it comes to your service, what you deliver, but there's an area that you just lack, and it's okay, it's you don't have to be an expert in everything you do. But maybe that area is marketing. And maybe you struggle in marketing, because you're focused on taking care and servicing your customers. And that's fine, we want you guys to focus on servicing your customers. Because even me as a homeowner, I want the best. When I'm hiring somebody, if I wouldn't be hiring a GC to build up my my basement, I want to make sure they're good, okay, I don't want them just to be good at marketing out can be good. I want them to deliver high quality products and services whenever they come to work. So we're helping you your business improve in the area that you probably need assistance in then most of these, most of these companies are needing more help in the in the marketing department, everything from websites to digital marketing, such as Facebook advertising, or Google ads, or social media, or content creation or email marketing, like all of these things. And so what we're trying to do is we're trying to educate our community and how to better improve their their business in the marketing arena. Now, does this mean that this only works for Home Services know you can take these concepts and literally use them for any business or any industry and I say this? Because I know for a fact that works.

Here's the thing, here's here's here's my background, before we start diving into this whole trust tipping point thing as well, too, is that I ran a company for just over a decade and sold it in 2018. Okay, and it was a b2c company. So understanding what home service companies are going through, you guys need to go after, you know, the b2c type of industry or space. That's what we did. I ran a Personal Training in martial arts studio. And I did that very, very well as success in successfully doing it in the location that we were we were at and we did that for just over a decade, to the point where we had an office automated marketing machine, okay. And we had a sales system that was like literally unbreakable. And it was it was clockwork, we would generate 30 leads a month. And then of those 30 leads 15 of them, we would get them on the phone, 12 of them would be set up for an appointment, 11 of them would probably show up and then nine or 10 would sign up. That was clockwork, we're closing at 90%. And it was because of this entire system that we created that allowed us to do due to do this at scale and that and successfully. Okay. And could we have done this with multiple locations and other areas? Totally. I just didn't want to deal with the headaches To be quite honest. And so, you know, with that, I did that in the b2c space very, very well. And then I decided to take that into the b2b space to prove out that it does work in the business, the business arena. A lot of people would always tell me like, Oh, Javier, it doesn't work for BtoC like what you did, and b2c doesn't work for b2b, the buyers are different. The last I checked, a human is a human you are selling to a human. It doesn't matter if you're human Corporation, john smith, or if you're resident, john smith, like you're still a human. Did you see what I'm saying? And so I wanted to kind of almost shut my haters, if you will, on on that this whole b2c b2b isn't true. It's about knowing your market and your customer base. So I ended up taking a job for a commercial HVC refrigeration company, complete opposite from what I've done before in the past, but enough to where most home service companies are like, Oh, you kind of know what we deal with. Yes, I worked in the trades for about 18 months. I didn't do any of this stuff. Like as far as like, like HVC unit, I know how to turn on the thermostat. That's about it. Okay, something breaks.

I'm calling an HVAC. Expert. All right. So I'll be honest, when it comes to that sort of stuff, okay. But what I want to point out though, is is that, in that 18 months spanned, I was able to generate high quality leads for this company. Leads such as Anheuser Busch, Dollar General, 7-Eleven, Cushman and Wakefield, T Mobile, Qualcomm, like these are high quality, high caliber, high dollar leads, okay. And I use the same strategy that I used with my b2b or b2c background, running my own business for just over a decade. And so I implemented into this, and they were skeptical as well, too, don't get me wrong, then they didn't hire me and be like, God, You got this, you'll figure it out. They were kind of skeptical. But as they saw the results, you know, proofs in the pudding. So once they saw that they're like, Okay, this guy kind of knows what he's doing. And we, we basically went to into a space for commercial HVAC. We're targeting facility services, okay. And in this space, it's a very, very niche market. All right. And so I decided to basically start a podcast for those markets. All right, mind you. At the time, when I started it, I had six months of experience in the industry, okay. And so I grew that to about 1500 listeners and subscribers over seven or eight months. And it was well respected people were actually jumping on my podcast that were thought leaders that were CEOs and executives. So what I'm trying to paint the picture here is that I've done the marketing on both sides of the spectrum on the b2b, and the b2c and I understand the struggles that a home service company is going through, I get it, okay, and those struggles are real. This is what the podcast is all about. The trust point marketing podcasts, it's all about helping your business, get in front of your ideal customer. Okay. And so what we'll be doing is we'll be interviewing, you know, executives, and CEOs and presidents and owners in this space. And then we'll also be talking about like, what strategies they use to grow their business, okay, we'll be talking about what we do at anchor wave to grow our own business, what's working, because we're also marketing to grow our space as well, too. We want to have a nice, you know, big lake so we can get some more fish out of it. Okay, and so strategies that we also use for our customers. And so I'll be going on here on this podcast, and sharing some things that are working really well. Some things are like, Hey, we tried this, this does not work. So if you're doing it, you may want to reconsider it. And the other part is, we'll probably also be bringing in other people within our company, such as our CEO, Lily darling, who is an amazing marketer who's been with anchor wave for nearly a decade. Okay, and so, her background is phenomenal. Like what she does and what she's done. With anchor wave and what she's been able to do, it just I mean, it blows me away in the fact that I get to work side by side with Lily, is it's amazing. Like she's, she's an amazing, amazing marketer, but she's an amazing person as well, too. So once we get her onto the podcast, and you get her and you get to see her personality and who she is and how she interacts, you're going to love the stuff that she brings into the table. Okay. And so we'll be bringing in really good guests when it comes to marketing. So we're going to be interviewing certain people that we want to share their story, to help build your business. That's kind of what the goal is. And so the trust tipping point marketing podcast is all about helping your customer reach that trust tipping point. And so there's a story behind that. And so something that I want to kind of share before we move on to that, because I've been telling stories since the beginning of this is that we'll be telling lots of stories in this show. Okay, this podcast is about telling stories, because that's how we relate to people. And let's be honest, I love I love telling stories, it's one of my favorite things to do, okay, and my wife gets sick of it. She's like, I think you've already told this story before. I'm like, I know, but they may haven't heard the story. And so she's like, she tunes out. But that's how I am able to explain certain things. And people kind of get drawn into it. So I love telling stories. And so, you know, with that, you know, the trust tipping point. The whole thing is, is that how this all happened, how this name came about, was really what what the, the,

the owners of anchor wave came about with this, alright, the owners of anchor wave, Anthony Rivera and Mike Schmidt, who are also running another project, another business called agency coach, which they go out and help other digital marketing agencies be successful, what they've done with anchor wave, like what they did with anchor wave, they help coach them on how to create the same kind of business. And so you know, we're anchor wave is like their, their best case study. And it's, it's really kind of cool. So they're really ingrained in testing things and trying things and helping trusted agency owners succeed. And that's kind of what the trust tippingpoint is really all about. It's about taking your customer through a journey, okay? To where they start building the trust, that they need to say, you know, what I'm ready to buy. And so what I'm going to do here, I've got a screen on my side over here, that kind of explains, you know, kind of takes me through some of the stuff that I want to share is, is really kind of share, like how the trust employed kind of came about. Okay. And it kind of starts back when it I guess the best way I can explain this is is you know how anchor wave got into this this area. All right. And they started realizing that a buyer would go through a variety of 

Ad  13:04  

Websites are dead, but a marketing hub is what will replace your currently outdated and underperforming websites. Ask yourself this question. Does my website have the five pillars of marketing? You're not familiar with that term? Let me explain. The five pillars of marketing are one, brain identity and movement to persona based conversion, free, new opportunity strategy, for strategic calls to action in five supporting evidence. Each pillar is a foundational strategy to get more customer activity, which is what we all want as a business. So your current website is missing at least one of these pillars, which is making your business lose prospects, resulting in lost revenue. Ask yourself, this is a customer work. Okay, so your website should be like your top performing salesperson. If it's not, then you need a marketing hub to learn more about a marketing cup scheduled free playbook with our team at

Javier Lozano, Jr.  14:01  

 A variety of like checks and balances. So they were going to be going through like, okay, does a company do this? Does it you know, do they're gonna do all their research. And so they started seeing that, and they started understanding how that all happened. And so what they decided to do is like, you know, what, we should map this out. Like, we should see what this this whole journey looks like a maxi, get into it right now, because I'm reading my notes as we speak through this, okay. And so what most people, you know, really think on how the buying decision is made is that this is what happens. This is what they think. All right? They think this is how marketing works. All right, is that you run an ad, and then you take them to a store. And then from there they go and buy. So an example is you probably have done this before. You're probably running a Facebook ad or a Google ad. Alright, you run an ad, you send them to a landing page and then you expect to make an appointment. That's probably what you do. Okay, that's what most businesses do. Well, here's the issue with that is that that buyer is kind of like, Ah, I see the ad, I went to your website, there's some things I yeah, I like, but I'm going to research you some more. So I'm going to do some Google searches on you, I'm going to see if you're on social media, I'm going to try to see if there's any negative reviews about you, I'm going to dig into Yelp, I'm going to go look at you on Angie's List, I'm going to see if you're, you know, associated with this,

I'm going to go to your Facebook page and see who the owner is, and see if I can follow you and see if you're doing anything that I don't like, you see what's going on here. This buyer is jumping around everywhere, before they even make a buying decision. So all of a sudden, your whole concept of like add store buy, is thrown out the window. Because at what point do you lose that buyer, you probably lose them pretty quickly. Because if you're doing all this research, they're gonna be like, well, I'll think about it, and they leave. And then they forget about your product or service. Okay. And so you know, the trust tippingpoint really what it is, is that it's like, the person, you know, your ideal customer, they see your website, and then they do some Google searches to find some reviews. Okay, so they do like a Google reviews and they read all your reviews. And hopefully you have like a four and a half and above or four and above. If you don't, we need to talk, okay, they'll do some more research, they'll type in some certain phrases, maybe like your company name, bad reviews, or like company name, owner, and something else, and they'll dig, they'll start digging. And then they'll start asking word of mouth, though, they'll say, hey, has anyone heard of ABC landscaping? You know, it sounds like oh, yeah, I've heard of them. You know, my friend used them. And they're horrible. And it's one person. And all of a sudden, this person is getting all this data. And then they're, and they're capturing all this information, like, Ah, so and so said that their friend using there was a bad experience, they have a three star rating, I can't find much of them on social media, the reviews are kind of like, their website looks outdated. You know, it's, it's, it's a little sketchy, I'm moving on. And all of a sudden, you lost that, that trust. And so your potential customer didn't hit the trust tipping point. And so what we're trying to do is we're trying to educate people in our audience to understand that your buyer is going through a different journey, that what you think, and the best way you can explain this this journey is is that it's a longer process. Like we do this with Amazon. I do this with Amazon all the time. So in our family, I'm the researcher, okay. So my wife is looking for something. She's like, hey, there's like five of these things. Research. I was like, done. And I'm like, digging through everything and like doing like, looking on Amazon reviews, looking on Google reviews, going to websites, and I'm digging them digging, I'm digging, right. And if I find something negative, and I'm like, okay, that's consistent, that's consistent, that's consistent. Like if they're consistently the same negative thing that you have, like, you know, you're crazy people that may leave one bad review. Okay. And they're like, Yes, because he didn't call me back. I'm like, seriously, you gave me a bad review, because I didn't call you back. I'm sorry. But anyways, you kind of like, you know, like, let's eliminate that one. But, um, dig and dig in. And I'm like, right, Suze. That's my wife. And I'm like, Alright, Suze. These are the top two, you decide from there? Or, you know, these are the two I think, I think we should leave with this one. And that's kind of what, how we do some of the research. We do this with Amazon as well to buying shoes. Like we had to buy my son. Some baseball shoes, right? And so we're looking like, right, here's some from Under Armour ones reviews are solid, they're like 4.8. Okay, the shoes are 20 bucks, like sold. I'm good with these. Geez, what's going on here? That's your buyer. They're, they're doing a lot of due diligence and research because they're getting tired of being duped and conned and unfortunately, the home services industry has that reputation. I'm not saying it's deserved. I'm not saying at all, like, there are very trustworthy home service companies that are you know, doing great HPC work for their resonance, okay. But they are not getting the the brand recognition they deserve, because they're doing such a good job, but they're just not marketers. And we get that. And so the goal is that you take your, your prospect through this trust tippingpoint journey, and it checks things off the box for them. They're like, modern website looks trustworthy, looks authentic. Check. Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews, Angeles reviews, they all look solid. Or like a foreign above, check. Okay, I've done some other research. And there's other you know, there's not just you know, bad stuff,

check. I've asked some friends, if someone has worked with them on Facebook, I did a post in my, in my mom's group or, or in my other group. And everyone says some pretty good stuff, a couple of bad ones. But most people said good stuff, check. And then they get all that data. And they're like, this is it, this is the company I'm going to call. And then they pick up the phone, or they fill out the form on your website, and they want to become a lead and they want service done from you. That's typically the journey of a customer now, okay. And so this is why we call this the trust tipping point. And this is why we call this podcast a trusted point Marketing Podcast. The reason as I mentioned is, is that it allows for you and I to understand that there is a journey for every person to start trusting the products and services that they're offering. Just like you guys are listening to this podcast, you need to start building trust for what we have to offer, okay, and you are going to be doing your due diligence, you're probably going to go to And you're going to be seeing what they're all about, you're probably going to go look up Javier Lozano Jr. on LinkedIn, I'm telling you where to go. Okay, you know, look me up on LinkedIn to see if this guy's legit. Okay. And then you're going to do some Google searches, you're going to type in Javier Lozano Jr. on Google. And you're going to find all this stuff. He's like, Yeah, he did own a gym before. Oh, yeah, he's not doing this. He's pretty legit. Like, you're gonna do all those things. Alright, so I'm telling you to do it. Because I want you guys to trust who we are. I think I really believe in today's society, it's all about being transparent. It's all about being honest, especially if you want to run a successful company, okay. And so that's something that we pride ourselves at anchor wave is all about being transparent and being honest, not just with ourselves, not just amongst ourselves as employees with each other, but to our customers. Okay. And so, you know, this whole journey that we talked about the trust tipping point, this is kind of how we came up with the name of the podcast is because we really believe that this is what Home Services is really going through. And so we have some great strategies that are going to help you and so we're going to be inviting people into this podcast is going to help you with that kind of stuff. And so you know, something that I want to kind of point out, and I'm not gonna dig too deep into this, but over the next few episodes, there'll be some there going to be episodes that we interview people and others are going to be diving in deeper into the trust tipping point, others are going to be going deep into what we call our five pillars of marketing. Other podcasts are going to have is going to be explaining more about what a marketing hub is, and how we came about with that concept. So there's all these stories that we'll be telling you throughout this whole podcast journey. And we want you guys to be a part of it. And so I'm dangling these little things out there for a reason, because I want you guys to come back, I want you to consume the information we have, you know, I gave you how we came up with the the concept of the trust tipping point. But I didn't actually give you all the layers of the trust tipping point, okay, I didn't give you all the five pillars of marketing that you need to have, I didn't tell you how a marketing hub is basically our what we are dubbing now as a website killer, okay. And so I'm where I'm kind of coming from is that I want you guys to come back and be intrigued by what we have to offer. And so, you know, if you have any questions, if you're interested in learning more about this podcast, keep listening, okay. And we're going to be having some great guests, if you are a listener, or running a an HPC company or, or, or you know, landscaping anyone in the home services industry, if you're running a business, and you want to be a guest on our podcast, we'd love to have you apply for an opportunity to be a guest to share your story on what you're doing for marketing and what you're doing to help improve your your your business using marketing strategies, there might be something that you do marketing wise, that's just like your edge. Now. Now some people some companies are like, Why? I don't want to give away my secret sauce. Seriously, guys, we need to have an abundance mindset, okay, where we are helping all of us grow. Okay. And this is something I experienced in the industry that I was in, in martial arts and personal training where people were like, well, I

don't want to share all my secrets. Here's the thing, guys, I'm gonna give you guys about 95 to 98 99% of all of my secrets, okay? And some of you are gonna be like, this is great, and you're gonna start applying it to your business and you're gonna see immediate growth. Others of you are gonna be like, this is great, you're gonna start seeing immediate growth we're like, but this is time consuming. Anchor wave, can you just do this right and that's Cool, okay, whatever the case is, we want to give you information, we want you to share your story, what's made you successful. If we could raise the level of trust and competition for the home services industry, then all of a sudden, consumers like you, like, like me, are going to be able to know like, Hey, I'm only calling the best companies because they've elevated themselves, okay? And they're showing themselves on Google. Alright. And that's what I'm trying to get to is that sort of stuff. And so so don't be shy and sharing some strategies that you have. Now, I'm not saying give everything away. But if you have some things that have worked for you, we want to hear it. We want people to come on here and share that because it could probably work for somebody else. In Arizona for landscaping, it could probably work for somebody else in you know, in Maine, for I don't know, plumbing, okay. So I just want you guys to understand that we would love to have guests on here. And that can actually have an abundance mindset that want to share and help the industry grow. Okay, because that's what we're going to be inviting on here. And that's what we're trying to do here. So, anyways, that's the end of this first episode. I hope that was enough on giving you guys kind of like a background about, you know how we came up with a name, the trust to pinpoint market and podcast. Again, we're looking forward to having more of these conversations. I can't wait to start bringing some more interviews or guests on here that we're going to be interviewing I can't wait to bring on Lily, and some other members of our team as well to this is going to be amazing. I'm so excited about this. You guys are gonna have a blast. This is gonna be great. 

Outro  26:41  

Thanks for joining me on this episode of the trust tipping point marketing podcast. I'm your host Javier Lozano Jr. A lot of home services companies come to us at anchor way meaning help with their overall marketing strategy and their digital presence. So what we ended up doing this brilliant custom marketing playbook to help businesses just like yours in the Home Services space have a improved digital marketing roadmap for 2021. One of the highlights during this Home Services custom playbook is the importance of having a marketing hub, which we call the website killer. And I'll be honest here, today's websites are dead, outdated and ineffective. After 17 years and 1300 plus websites, we've discovered the best approach to increase customer activity and to win more businesses by having a marketing marketing hub will help set your home services business apart from your competition in place you as the leader in your space. To learn more about what a marketing hub is schedule a free Custom Home Services playbooks by going to You're gonna answer seven simple questions, and we'll give you free access to this playbook. Again, go to to get free access to our Home Services digital marketing playbook

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